Honors To Be Given To Queens Lifesaver

A 21-year-old Kew Gardens Hills man who rushed into a burning neighbor’s home and helped an elderly man escape will be honored by Community Board 8.

Ross Herskovits of 73rd Terrace raced next-door into the semi-attached home of 84-year-old Gilbert Soloman and carried the disabled man from his second-floor bedroom to safety.

“I got on my hands and knees and crawled up the stairs. I found him sitting on a folding chair in his bedroom,” Herskovits said. “He’s 84 years old with multiple medical problems. He walks slowly with a cane or a walker. There’s no way he would’ve made it on his own.”

“Gilbert, we have to go,” he told his neighbor and gathered up the older man in his arms. He carried the neighbor outside where Herskovits’ mother was anxiously waiting for the pair with blankets and a chair for the older man.

A recent Queens College graduate, Herskovits will be honored by the community board meeting, at the Hillcrest Jewish Center, 183-02 Union Turnpike on Feb 13 at 7:30PM.

(Source: NY Daily News / Times Ledger)

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