WATCH THIS: NYPD Vehicle In Boro Park Dangerously Blows Past School Bus While Picking Up Children


The attached video was taken from a dash-cam from a school bus that captured this incident.

The viewer can clearly see that a school bus had its red flashing lights on, and children were getting on the bus. The bus driver blocked both lanes of traffic (on the two way street) on 18 Avenue between 55 and 56 Streets to prevent anyone from passing.

It should be noted that according to NYS Law, the only vehicle that emergency vehicles must yield to (even while responding to emergencies) are school buses that have their lights flashing.

It is unknown if an investigation was launched into this reckless behavior which endangered the lives of children.

Sources tell YWN that the vehicle was assigned to the NYPD’s 66 Precinct.

(Charles Gross – YWN)

18 Responses

  1. They park in crosswalks when they ticket someone else for doing the same thing, they block fire hydrants so why should this be any different?

  2. lets see they should pull those officers out of their cars and beat them up like they did last week to the 71 year old man on 53rd street

  3. Typical. The hypocrisy is infuriating. If a child would have been killed rch”l, this jokester would have gotten away with a slap on the wrist.

  4. @The Frumguy Did you read the article? Apparently not. So here you go:

    “It should be noted that according to NYS Law, the only vehicle that emergency vehicles must yield to (even while responding to emergencies) are school buses that have their lights flashing.”

    Ambulances responding a baby not breathing, a fire truck responding to a fire with people trapped, a police car responding to an officer shot are all not allowed to pass a school bus with its lights flashing.

    Understand it better now?

  5. At first i agreed it’s an outrage.
    Then i saw the clip.
    Yes, TECHNICALLY the cop may deserve a ticket. (Like everybody else, there are good cops and bad cops. And in-between cops…)
    But it seems that the officers (rushing to an emergency) were clearly able to see from their vantage point that the bus had already completed the droppoff, and the doors were already closing.
    Indeed the flashing lights shut off a split-second later.

  6. Wise-guy that’s no excuse for passing, there is a reason that you have to be a distance of 15 from the bus and wait until the lights stop flashing because you never know if someone might still be getting off the bus (or the kid forgot something on the bus and made an about face to retrieve it.)

  7. He did not ‘blow past’ the bus. He passed slowly. And maybe the cop and bus driver made eye contact and the bus driver closed the door to make sure no kids would be in the way, and then let the cop go, so he could save a life??

    Cut our cops a bit of slack. They put their lives on the line for us every day. This is just unjustified negativity.

  8. The Voice of Truth, you could be right but by and large the abuse we get from those officers it’s not easy to give them the benefit. They abuse the system in a huge way. They do not earn our respect in the way they behave!
    They’re always in their phones, they bever stop for red lights instead, sometimes they don’t put on their lights when they pass on red but they always do. They park in crosswalks, don’t don seat belts, always on the phone yet they issue summonses with impunity to us when we do those things! They block the flow of traffic to issue summonses all the time! They never talk with respect! Their squad cars are marked with the CPR logo (Courtesy, Professionalism and Respect) yet they display the exact opposite in every which way!

  9. Being we can’t see the front of the bus, it is possible that the school bus driver motioned to the police car to pass which is legal under NYS VTL 1174:

    § 1174. Overtaking and passing school bus. (a) The driver of a vehicle upon a public highway, street or private road upon meeting or overtaking from either direction any school bus marked and equipped as provided in subdivision twenty of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter which has stopped on the public highway, street or private road for the purpose of receiving or discharging any passengers, or which has stopped because a school bus in front of it has stopped to receive or discharge any passengers, shall stop the vehicle before reaching such school bus when there is in operation on said school bus a red visual signal as specified in subdivision twenty of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter and said driver shall not proceed until such school bus resumes motion, or until signaled by the driver or a police officer to proceed. For the purposes of this section, and in addition to the provisions of section one hundred thirty-four of this chapter, the term “public highway” shall mean any area used for the parking of motor vehicles or used as a driveway located on the grounds of a school or of a board of cooperative educational services facility or any area used as a means of access to and egress from such school or facility.

  10. Now that iasrismma posted the law in all its legaleze, can someone please tell us why school bus drivers are so abusive to us all?
    A) they put on their flashing lights while mom hasn’t finished feeding the little one? Why not just flash the yellow lights until little ones are actually ready to alight the bus? We are also people!
    B) why must there be another bus stop every third house times ka”h all the children going off to school? We people can sit on any given block for 7-10 minutes just waiting? Can’t they all walk to a bus stop at the corner so that us tax payers can live too? That’s the eay it used to be. In fact the Consolidated and Varsity busses only pick up at the corners. I have children too but there are other people in the world for whom life has to go on!
    C) why are the drivers on their phones? Doesn’t the law apply to them? Further, aren’t there children on the busses? What about people in the streets!!
    D) the schools are given our tax dollars to park those busses. Why is every available parking spot occupied by school busses?
    Why am only I bothered about all this!

  11. In NYC, aren’t children already supposed to be on the side they are going to be picked up? I had to be waiting on the corner from the direction of which the buses came from.

  12. yaapchik:

    B) why must there be another bus stop every third house times ka”h all the children going off to school?

    That’s why parents pay an extra fee for private buses. They don’t want to have to go to the corner.

    Miriam377: Again, private buses are different.

    As to whether emergency vehicles are required to stop for school buses with flashing red lights….I have only found on the NYS Dept of Health website that EMS ambulances are required to stop.

    “Every EMS response vehicle must stop upon encountering a stopped school bus with red lights flashing; ”

    I have not yet found in the NYS VTL a requirement that police or fir engines are required to stop.

  13. iacisrmma if you know that cars are not going to stop for you (since they don’t in the city) have the parents wait on the right side of the street so the children don’t have to cross or have the school bus go around the block and come up the other way.

  14. iasisrmma, but it’s wrong for the school to offer it! There are other people out there who also may live life and get to work etc. Parents may be told the stop is in the middle of the block and at the corner. You must also agree that as it is now it borders on asinine. Like Bob Grant used to say, “sick and getting sicker!”
    Do the parents know that they’re paying for bus service and the drivers are on their phones? Is that also what they’re paying for!!

  15. What kind of community have we become.
    We’re worse than BLM.
    The police is there for US, he’s rushing to an emergency it’s Boro Park it could as well be one of ‘us’.
    The school bus closes the door to let the police car thru, it’s just a beautiful kiddish Hashem, the police car passes safely.
    It’s just a beautiful story of the NY Finest doing their job, and a Jewish school bus driver helping him happily.

    This after posters in Boro Park called police רוצחים.
    Worse than any answering terrorist group targeting מוראה של מלכות

    We’ve become so complacent in ,גלות
    We have our own Shomrim, who needs the NYPD.

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