WATCH: Yoni Hikind Wants To Bankrupt Yeshivos

19 Responses

  1. I think that you folks at YWN have gone absolutely delusional. What’s next? Have you no shame or moral compass?
    Even Yom Kippur is not “mechaper” such rechilus.

  2. If there was a complaint 50 yrs ago and the org protects the pedophile yes bankrupt them stop with your scare tactics u know the victim will have to prove he notified the school, ask Kolko victims what they endured from The school they should be bankrupted this is what the Torah wants to protect abusers and their enablers????

  3. Excuse me but there are no statue of limitations when it comes to hezik. When a school covers up for molestation they are liable. Min hatorah a mazik must pay back even 100 years later.

  4. Is there an admission made here. Are they actually admitting there are pedophilia happening in Yeshivas. And protecting them. If they protect cases from 50 years ago. Their protecting today’s. How sad. How truly sad

  5. I agree with Yeger.
    How can somebody sue a Yeshivah when the entire staff may not have even been BORN yet when the offense took place???!

    I could however support this bill if it’s directed exclusively against the INDIVIDUALS responsible. (But not the Mosdos. Unless perhaps if the Mosdos is still being run by the guilty parties.))

    Attn: Takes2-2tango ,
    The Halachah you quote applies only to individuals. Not Mosdos/Yeshivos!

    (Not to mention other problems with your comparison. e.g. In an abuse case there was no TANGIBLE theft. (This does indeed complicate things from a Halachic standpoint.)

  6. What difference does it make if a City Council candidate supports this bill or not? It is a STATE ASSEMBLY bill. A City Councilman has no say in the matter. Why would Dov Hikind be the sponsor of this bill?

    Oh I forgot. Dov is to busy going to NJ and Vermont on behalf of NY residents getting summonses.

  7. Some people here are FAKE TZADIKIM!!!!

    First of all, many of these abuse cases don’t hold any water!!!!! The people claiming them are shakronim, (at best delusional ).

    We follow torah law, you need proof, with Eidem… to punish an individual on this world! why would these cases be any different???

    What right does one have to go after a yeshiva??? Do you think any yeshiva wants a Rebbe that abuses children? Of course not!! And if you think a yeshiva knew about a Rebbe who abused and kept him, perhaps they know more than what you heard on the tabloids. Maybe the story was a lie?

    I heard from a yeshiva that a child accused the Rebbe of pulling down his pants…. the parents called the principal and the principal called the rebbe… Lucky for the rebbe there was a video camera in the classroom and the kid admitted that he made it up. (the kid lied, because he was angry that he got punished and didn’t receive a prize…)

    Some people would have slaughtered the rebbe first and then ask questions!!!!!

    FAKE TZADIKIM!!!! Full of sinas chinom and sinas Hashem v’toroso. R”L.

  8. I am appalled at the grave dishonesty of this video.

    1. The Markey Bill is a State matter. City Council, or city government for that matter has no influence on the subject. If you would wish to promote a challenge to Markey, that would fall in front of Dov, not Yoni. Bringing this matter to the debate was a tactic that was unfair, and would influence voters through complete falsehood.
    2. The version of Markey that was on the screen was from 2009. Dov voted against that, as it contained the language that would be bankrupting to yeshivos. Yoni did not support that either. There is a much newer version of the bill that is far more tolerable, and there are still varying opinions about it. The drama displayed in this clip is misleading, and implies a dirty lie about Yoni.
    3. There is a factual statute of limitations that is not legislated. It is called burden of proof. No one can simply fabricate an accusation, then sue to make millions while bankrupting a yeshiva for something that allegedly happened 40 years ago. Where is any shred of evidence? Get real. This alarming the public about something that cannot happen sounds like the campaigning that portrayed throwing senior citizens into the ocean. Dishonest, and dirty politics.

  9. There is no rebuttable presumption that the crime committed based on the word of the victim…she or he must still meet the applicable legal standard for a criminal/civil charge whether it be substantial proof, proof beyond a reasonable doubt, etc.

  10. lamdan50 -“The school they should be bankrupted this is what the Torah wants to protect abusers and their enablers”

    This is why the Markey bill is supported.
    That Yeshiva protected that pedophile for years.
    If you defenders of these Yeshivos only believe the Yeshiva, there is a simple way to prove that you’re right – it’s called VIDEO cameras.
    Any interaction between Rebbe & student should be filmed.

  11. Hey wiseguy. Learn to read and learn some halacha. Firstly, hezik does not mean theft. 2ndly, if the yeshiva is owned by the perp or if the owner of the yeshiva is covering ng it up then he is liable for hezik snd you force him to sell the school building if need be.

  12. It does sound like the yeshivas are
    admitting something however I don’t think
    that’s the intention, I believe there concern
    is that people will come forward and claim
    They were touched ,whether true or not
    And yeshivas will have no choice but to settle vs expensive litigation
    years ago the rabbayim smacked kids across the face this is also a form of abuse not sexual.
    on the flip side the accuser will need witnesses and evidence otherwise it’s a he said he said case
    but if yeshivas claim no wrong then there is nothing to worry about

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