BOMBSHELL: Two Prominent Democrats Say Hillary Clinton ‘Rigged’ The Election [VIDEO]


Last year’s presidential primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was “rigged” by the Democratic National Committee – just as Sanders’ supporters suspected – to hand the nomination to Clinton, according to a bombshell claim by Donna Brazile. The onetime Clinton confidante, CNN commentator and former interim Democrat party boss made the explosive claim Thursday while touting a new book that could sever her ties to Team Clinton for good.

“I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested,” Brazile wrote in a piece for Politico Magazine.

“By Sept. 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart,” Brazile said.

The proof, according to Brazile, was a joint fundraising agreement document between the DNC, the Hillary Victory Fund and Hillary for America. It had been signed in August 2015, four months after Clinton announced her candidacy and a year before she officially secured the nomination over Sanders.

“The agreement—signed by Amy Dacey, the former CEO of the DNC, and [Clinton campaign manager] Robby Mook with a copy to [Clinton lawyer] Marc Elias specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised,” Brazile wrote. “Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff.”

Brazile took over as the interim DNC chairman in 2016 when Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced out as chairman over the emails, which indicated the party organization unfairly favored Clinton over Sanders during the primary.

It should be noted, Brazile herself was caught “rigging” the primary for Clinton. Wikileaks posted several emails indicating Brazile had given Hillary information regarding questions that woukd be posed to her at debates with Sanders.

President Donald Trump actually tweeted in May 2016 that the Democrats were rigging the election against Sanders:

Trump took to twitter on Thursday to share his thoughts about “Crooked H,” in light of the Brazile allegations:

In an interview with CNN on Thursday evening, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren discussed Brazile’s allegations, which she did not appear to refute.

Warren was then asked point-blank if the election was “rigged?” She responded, “YES!”

(Nat Golden – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. Can you PLEASE remove the photo of Killary you currently have up? I sat down to read YWN with a nice cup of coffee & that photo is so frightening I almost dropped my drink. It would have maybe been appropriate for Halloween.

    Thank you.

    PS – it isn’t even news, we all know it.

  2. > crazykanoiy

    The self-evident implication is that rigging a “primary”, which is an election in itself, shows a character who is so experienced in rigging elections as to seriously lead to suspicions that the same character tried to rig the national election as well, but simply failed to succeed despite the rigging attempts.

    Part two is that the media deliberately obfuscated the primary election so as to de facto try to rig the national election
    (but failed despite its bets efforts) by deliberately withholding relevant facts and deliberately sidetracking to atack Trump.

  3. Georgeg: If you would actually bother to read what she did you would recognize that your comments lack merit and that this headline is misleading. She made a fundraising agreement with the DNC that allowed her decision making abiliturs about personnel etc regarding the 2016 election before she was chosen as the party candidate. This agreement may be unethical but it there is nothing illegal about it. Her arrangemet was not a secret and any candidate could have made a similar arrangement. She did not “rigg” any of the voting which was done in the primary itself. In any case Hillary is not president and one should not fall for attempts to deflect attention from Crooked Hypocryte Donald who just won an immigration lottery to bring in 70 foreign workers to mar a lago after mouthing off for a week about how bad immigration lotteries are. And there are plenty of Americam workers in Palm Beach county willing to work in Mar a Lago but two faced Donald doesnt seem to care about them

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