GOP Unveils Tax Plan That Would Slash Corporate Rate, Help Wealthiest

Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan, R-WI, explains the House's tax plan on Thursday

House Republicans on Thursday unveiled a tax cut plan that would slash the corporate rate and lower the personal taxes of most Americans but also limit a cherished deduction for homeowners, as President Donald Trump and the GOP seek to deliver on the first tax revamp in three decades.

The proposal would add $1.5 trillion to the nation’s debt over the next decade as Republicans largely abandoned fiscal discipline in a plan that could secure a legislative achievement for Trump and score a political win ahead of next year’s midterm elections.

Trump promised in a statement that his administration “will work tirelessly to make good on our promise to the working people who built our nation and deliver historic tax cuts and reforms — the rocket fuel our economy needs to soar higher than ever before.”

Middle-income families would pay less, thanks to doubling of the standard deduction and an increase in the child tax credit. Wealthy Americans, like Trump, would benefit from the repeal of the alternative minimum tax and phase-out of the estate tax. Republicans calculate that a family of four with a median $60,000 income would receive a tax cut of almost $1,200.

However, many two-income, upper middle class families would pay more after being bumped into a higher tax bracket and losing a valuable deduction on state income taxes.

“Today is the day. We are introducing legislation that will cut your taxes & make the entire system more simple. This will be a game-changer,” Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said on Twitter.

The proposal would leave intact the existing rules on 401(k) retirement accounts and the ability of Americans to contribute up to $18,000 into the accounts tax-deferred. But the plan would limit the widely used deduction for mortgage interest to new home loans of $500,000 or less, a sharp reduction from the current $1 million cap.

The plan also would limit the deductibility of local property taxes to $10,000 and eliminate the deduction for state income taxes, which has generated significant opposition from Republicans in high-tax states such as New York and New Jersey.

The tax-writing Ways and Means Committee will work on finalizing the proposal next week, and the GOP’s ambitious timetable to get a bill to Trump by Christmas faces numerous roadblocks. The proposal caused anxiety for some House Republicans and drew criticism from a few in the Senate, which is intent on writing its own bill.

Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., announced his opposition: “We need to fix this.”

The plan would shrink the number of tax brackets from seven to three, with respective rates of 12 percent, 25 percent, 35 percent and 39.6 percent. The tax system would be simplified, and most people would be able to file their returns on a postcard-sized form.

The plan would set a 25 percent tax rate starting at $90,000 for married couples, with a 35 percent rate beginning to bite at $260,000 — which means many upper-income families whose top rate now is 33 percent would face higher taxes. Individuals making $500,000 and couples earning $1 million would face the current Clinton-era top rate of 39.6 percent.

The plan would slash the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent, a demand by Trump. It also would repeal the inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates, a big break for the wealthy.

“There are a lot of people still in our conference who are anxious to see exactly how this plays out with growth in the economy, what the long term deficit and debt situation turns out to be,” said Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark.

Reaction among outside groups was mixed. Tax-cut activist Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax reform said the measure was “long overdue” and offered “great news for taxpayers and those left behind by eight years of slow growth under Obama.” But the National Federation of Independent Business, a GOP-leaning lobby for small business, announced its opposition and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said the plan still needs work.

The child tax credit would be increased from $1,000 to $1,600, though the $4,050 per child exemption would be repealed.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., tweeted an objection: “House #TaxReform plan is only starting point. But $600 #ChildTaxCredit increase doesn’t achieve our & @potus goal of helping working families.”

The legislation is a longstanding goal for Capitol Hill Republicans who see a once-in-a-generation opportunity to clean up an inefficient, loophole-cluttered tax code.

The plan calls for nearly doubling the standard deduction used by most average Americans to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for families, and increasing the per-child tax credit.

On net, it could mean tax increases for many upper middle-income families.

Republicans and Trump argue that sharply cutting tax rates for businesses would improve U.S. economic competitiveness.

The emerging plan would retain the Clinton-era 39.6 percent income tax rate for the wealthiest earners. But for that highest bracket, the tax writers raised the minimum level of income to $1 million for couples or families from the current $470,000 — a change that would reduce tax revenue.

Democrats have repeatedly complained the plan was too favorable to business and the wealthy, and contradicted Trump’s rhetoric of bringing tax relief and economic benefit to the stressed middle class.

“What we are seeing today is a plan that exacerbates the unfairness and inequality in our tax code,” said top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer of New York. “To pay for all the tax giveaways in their bill, the Republicans are likely to make it worse for the middle class — not help them but hurt them.”


8 Responses

  1. “Help the Wealthiest”???
    Tax cuts almost always help the wealthiest. To illustrate, if someone who pays $20,000 a year in taxes gets a 10% reduction, he will save $2,000. If the wealthiest who likely pay more than 1 million in taxes get a 1% reduction they save $10,000.
    So when you hear Pelosi and the rest complaining of a tax cut for the wealthy, stop and think for a second ….

  2. Actually it appears it may hurt the wealthiest individuals. It appears to be shifting tax from corporations to humans. The money gets taxed when it is paid out to someone, at rates that are not getting cut (for the wealthiest). It also cuts many deductions that benefit the most wealthy (and note that you have to be fairly well off to itemize deductions). It increases the standard deductions and the child credits both of which are of no value to the rich, but of great value to the rest (and especially to us). Overall it is hardly the reactionary or regressive proposal the AP is making it out to be. In fact, if Clinton or Obama proposed the same thing, the left-oriented press would probably jump for joy, while the conservative Republicans (unlike Trump and his populists) would be screaming about the impact of the deficit.

    Perhaps YWN should put some disclaimer when posting material from the AP – or shift its posts to the “Coffee room” where readers are expected to take everything with the proverbial “grain of salt.”

  3. Just another slanted AP article. The real issue are the blue states with high state tax that are leaning on the rest of the country for their federal benefits by using their local tax dollar collections and spendings as a federal deduction. Essentially they say to the rest of the country, “We already pay high state tax, so we should remain exempt from federal tax.” Yet, that means they benefit from both state and federal coffers, without putting their fair share in the federal pool.

  4. Certainly eliminating the estate tax benefits only the wealthiest. It’s estimated that it applies to only the top 0.2% of estates.

  5. This plan is very bad for us……they are doubling the standard deduction to 24K but getting rid of the personal exemption of 4050 per dependent. This means that for a family with 1 child the rate is the same 12K standard +3*4K for personal exemptions = 24K the new standard deduction.
    Members of our community tend to have much more kids and will be loosing 4K of tax free $ per child (a family with 5 kids earning 100+ will see a huge tax increase even twith the plan to increase child credit from 1K to 1.6K.
    We must try to stop the plan to repeal he personal exemptions.

  6. Spin it however you want. This plan is against all conservative values and would raise the taxes on the middle class and large families. The average frum family will suffer greatly under this tax plan.

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