Police Commissioner Kelly Meets With Crown Heights Community Leaders And Activists

kelly.jpgJust as Monday’s press conference that took place in the Jewish Children’s Museum concluded, the NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly arrived and quickly and quietly made his way to the sixth floor where a meeting took place in the conference room.

Leaders, Activists and influential personalities participated including Mr. Kelly along with the Hate Crimes Task Forces Commanding Officer inspector Michael Osgood, Chief Philip Banks III the Executive Officer of Patrol Borough South and Deputy Inspector Frank Vega the Commanding Officer of the 71st Precinct.

The meeting opened up with the introduction of Mr. Osgood who briefly went over the statistics of the hate crimes that had taken place in the 71st and 77th Precincts in the years of 2006 and 2007, along with it being broken down to incidents regarding property damage and assaults, the total of which was 12 incidents across both precincts in the two years.

The statistics provoked reaction of challenging the numbers stating that they cannot reflect what is actually going on, to which police responded that the 71st PCT Inspector Mr. Vega has little to gain and a lot to loose with attempting to fudge the numbers, following which they went into a discussion over what is actually classified a hate crime.

Mr. Berel Sugar stood up and accused everyone at the meeting of being a ‘suck up’ and ‘a cop out’, furthermore he said that they all had a political agenda while the community wasn’t being properly protected, he called on the assembled to quit playing politics and take the pressing matters to task.

The tone of the meeting then changed and a discussion on how to prevent and curb these attacks, Mr. Richard E. Green, a black community activist president of Crown Heights Youth Collective, said that the solution lies with education, educating the youth in the public schools, he said that after the 1991 riots he along with Jewish activists visited the schools and spoke to the youth and this brought about a visible decrease in bias incidents. His suggestion was met with general agreement.

Officer sensitivity training was brought up and the demand for the ‘beat cop’ was reiterated and emphasized, how the community needs the beat cops back on the streets to boost up residents confidence in the police department.

(Source: Crown Heights.Info)

One Response

  1. An update…Just before Balkany was attacked 3 Bochurim were beaten up by a gang of Blacks who ran across Eastern Parkway. Shmira responded and flagged down a police car, with the Bochurim standing there all bloody, and the Blacks had run into a neighboring house.

    The female cop REFUSED TO HELP. She threatened them to get out of the way. She said she was from the 77th precinct & the attack happened in the 71st. So these injured Bochurim & their attackers were left alone.

    Thanks go to Shmira for standing in front of the police car & refusing to move. Not that it did any good; the cop proceeded to play solitaire on the car’s computer.

    This is what we have to go through here. I want to know why the media didn’t get to know this.

    We in CH ask everyone to call the 77th, 71st, & 1 Police Plaza to complain about the lack of police response and presence in Crown Heights, and the obvious bias against Jews.

    Thank you.

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