Fred Thompson Quits Presidential Race

fred thomp.jpgFormer Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson quit the Republican presidential race on Tuesday, after a string of poor finishes in early primary and caucus states, WNBC reports.

“Today, I have withdrawn my candidacy for president of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort,” Thompson said in a statement.

19 Responses

  1. Eliezer, Law and Order is one of the 7 mitzvos of bnei noach 😉

    Too bad Fred is gone. However he did not have his heart set one winning – he was pretty lackadaisical about it. (Sort of like “if its bashert, I will win” kind of attitude, not aggressively seeking out the Presidency as others are doing.)

  2. Fred had Spencer Abraham, an Islamist and arab, as his campaign adviser. Boruch Hashem he is gone.

    None of the candidates are good on either side of the aisle.

    May Hashem be merachem on his nation.

  3. Thompson was a big loss, and the eager crowd of candidates is slowly dwindling down to a mere few ‘respectable’ options.

    I say, vote Guiliani, cause what’ll you lose with him? Romney’s a close second.

    Don’t look at Huckabee, and McCain is totally useless.

  4. “Laiv melachim b’yad Hashem” — What really matters is they see we vote, that we have needs, and perhaps that we are united in those needs.

  5. Giuliani is finished. Florida will be his coffin, although he won’t surrender until after Super Tuesday.

    No loss though. There are other liberals (Huck and McCain) who still have yet to be defeated.

  6. I recall reading somewhere, when Thompson was initially considering running, that his younger and politically hungry wife was pushing him to run but that he may not really be so keen on doing so. I have no idea of this is true or not but nothing about his demeanor or how he ran his campaign would suggest otherwise.

  7. As soon as I heard Thompson chose Spencer Abraham as his campaign manager, I lost a lot of respect for Thompson–not because of Abraham’s ethnicity, but because he’s a hypocrite. After Abraham lost his Michigan Senate seat to Debbie Stabenow in 2000, President Bush appointed him Secretary of Energy. Rather ironic, since during his time in the Senate, Abraham had voted repeatedly to abolish the Department of Energy (DOE). When questioned about this, he said he no longer wanted to abolish the DOE.

  8. charlie, what you might mean is liberals have no meaning.

    Crier, Huck is an economic, anti-crime and foreign policy liberal.

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