Anti-Semites Target Australian Synagogue, Kosher Bakery, And Restaurant

as1.jpgThe Jewish community was attacked by anti-Semitic vandals last week the Australian Jewish News reports. 

The Caulfield Hebrew Congregation (CHC), and Caulfield North’s kosher Park Grill Restaurant were spray-painted with swastikas on Motzei Shabbos. Additionally, Glick’s Bakery in Balaclava’s Carlisle Street suffered thousands of dollars of damage when its two shopfronts were partially smashed in a rock attack, and a public phone on Bambra Road in Caulfield was also spray-painted with a swastika on Sunday night.

A spokesperson from Victoria Police told the AJN, that it was too early to link the attacks, and said there was no evidence at the moment to suggest the Glicks vandalism was racially motivated. The spokesperson said local police were investigating.

In August last year, two Yeshiva Bochrim were assaulted outside the store and a chair was thrown through the store window – as reported HERE on YWN. No person has been charged over the incident.

One Response

  1. There is a big difference between all these hooligan-anti semitic criminal acts done today in various places in the world and those of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Then it was government-sponsored and there was no justice available. Let’s hope this does not get to be that way,r.l.,and that our criminal enemies will get their punishment and may HKB”H protect us from ALL harm.

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