Trump Tweets Happy Birthday Wishes To Wrong Lee Greenwood

A “happy birthday” tweet from President Donald Trump to “God Bless the USA” singer Lee Greenwood went off course early Friday after Trump mentioned the wrong Twitter user.

Trump tweeted: “Happy birthday to the great @leegreenwood83. You and your beautiful song have made such a difference. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” The singer’s Twitter name is @TheLeeGreenwood , but the president directed his message to a Lee Greenwood who describes himself as a New York lawyer with Washington, D.C. roots.

That Greenwood commented on the mistake, writing : “I get this a fair amount, but certainly not at this level.”


One Response

  1. Another incredibly important news tidbit that I’m thankful the AP put out. We really have a bumbling fool of a President. I’m waiting for the next story, about how he accidentally put the wrong sock on the wrong foot while getting dressed this morning. And the follow-up to that about how he pulled a nickel from his pocket while really looking for a quarter.

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