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Tu B’Shvat: Celebration Marks the Revival of “Rebbe Meyer Baal Haness – Kollel Kosov” Role in Historic Tzfat

0SC_0219.jpg(Click HERE for photos) A gathering to celebrate Tu B’shvat was held in the famous Kosov Shul in the old section of the city of Tzfas, a city with centuries-old history of Jewish settlement in Northern Israel. In the past few years, this city has seen a regeneration as more and more Torah observant families have resettled there, making Tzfas their home and contributing to its spiritual reawakening.

Most notable is the revival of one of the oldest Chasidic Shuls in Eretz Yisroel, the Kosov Shul, built early in the 18th century in preparation for the expected arrival of the then Kosover Rebbe.

Unfortunately, the Rebbe, Rav Chaim Hagar of Kosov never made his way to the Holy Land he so cherished. However, he never ceased in his efforts to support the resurgent Yishuv / settlement. He organized a wide system of support under the umbrella organization the Tzedakah of Rebbe Meyer Baal Haness.

The tradition of being on the forefront of sending monetary help to fellow Jews in the Holy Land, and being on top of the collections of those funds in hundreds of small shtetels in Europe was maintained for generations by his descendents. As Chasidic leaders, they spared no effort in the struggle to help the occasionally beleaguered community of Israel.

This financial support was present until the bitter end when the last Rebbe in the Town of Kosov Rebbe, Rav Chaim Hagar, and his entire family were murdered by the Nazis YM”S. This tragedy resulted in drying up all sources of funding and Rebbe Meyer Baal Haness Kollel Kosov ceased to function.

The Rebbe’s only sister and her husband (and cousin) Rav Shraga Hagar of Zalischik, also perished of hunger and disease with thousands of other Romanian Jews in Trans-Dniester. Their son, Rav Yehoshua Heshel survived and rebuilt the small Kosov shteebel in New York City.

Upon his death in 1999, his son, Rav Shraga Feivish Hager was named successor to the leadership of the Kosov Dynasty and Rebbe of the Kosov and to reestablish it as a world wide community. Through his dynamic personality and charisma, he has attracted a wide following among the young and old who seek spiritual uplifting and guidance.

The only remnant of the Kosov RMBH was the modest shul in Tzfat, which has been in exsistence for over two hundred years.  The community of Tzfat was graced by a special visit by the Rebbe in July, 2007. The festive Shabbos with the participation of all segments of the present Jewish community of Tzfat was seen as a triumphant revival of the Kosov community decimated by the Nazis, and as a fulfillment of the generations old commitment to the Jewish community of Tzfat.

The evening of Tu B’Shevat was truly a celebration of body and soul. The Rebbe was able to greet the celebrants and deliver an inspirational D’var Torah via audio hookup that had been arranged between Tzfat and Brooklyn.  From across the ocean and across two continents, a sense of joy…a sense of fulfillment permeated the atmosphere.

There were mouth watering fruits of all colors, all shapes, and all sizes! There was an array of the seven species for which Eretz Yisrael is praised – wheat, barley, olives, dates, grapes, figs and pomegranates. Through the sponsorship and inspiration of the Rebbe, boxes and carton loads of food staples were distributed to the needy in attendance.

In his hometown of Brooklyn, New York, in the Boro Park section, the Rebbe, R’ Shraga Feivish, Shlita, is widely considered a modest and unassuming person.  Only after much persuasion did the Rebbe take up the mantle and assumed his rightful place as heir and the Kosov Dynasty risen from the ashes.

When several Baalei Batim came to his home on the first Friday night after his succession, to hear his Divrei Torah, it was all casual and informal; but the numbers who came for spiritual uplifting continued to grow. Within no time, there was no more room in his house as Chasidim gathered to be inspired. It was a spontaneous outpouring of affection.

Today, the Rebbe carries on the esteemed tradition of Chasidus Kosov.  He does it without fanfare. The Rebbe is sought after for guidance and assistance whenever and however possible.

Among the most important projects for him is reinvigorating Kollel Kosov, the collection center for Rabbi Meyer Baal Haness in Eretz Yisroel.  This organization, which for so many years selflessly helped so many, is in great need of help itself.

The Rebbe Shlita, is committed to see the revival and renaissance of the mission of this sacred institution, RMBH Kollel Kosov – as then…now.

The ideals have been preserved.  The ideals of Kosov have long been a touchstone for acts of Gemilas Chasadim. We hope that you will choose to join the Rebbe in these integral and rewarding quests in helping our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land.

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