VIDEO: Crown Heights Community Blames Cops For Recent Bias Attack

Emotions ran high today at today’s press conference in Crown Heights – with Officials, and local residents placing the blame directly on the NYPD in Friday nights racial beating – (reported HERE on YWN). The press conference was attended by many NY State & NYC Officials, the victim who was beaten, and Crown Heights community leaders. YWN has compiled a 7 minute video of the press conference. Click HERE to watch it.

Just a few weeks ago, an group of Jewish and black officials, and community leaders joined together to form an alliance. Click HERE to watch a video of that gathering.

5 Responses

  1. #2,
    Whoops, I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding us. I thought Moshiach already came, especially after reading this story. After all, when a story like this is read, one might mistakenly think that Moshiach has come. So thank you for reminding us that even though a jew was just viciously beaten in the street Moshiach is still not here.

  2. #3 chill out we all know that were in galus and that mashiach is not here but look around the world everyone is so busy with their lives they forget or their busy commenting on yeshiva world the whole day i have yet to see a bit of news that you dover shkarim did not comment on maybe you should start doin something else with your life and stop commenting why dont u actually do!!!

  3. #4,

    I know that my posts are phenomenal, and they stick out your mind, thereby making it seem like I post very often.

    But on the contrary, that was actually my fourth post ever. This is my fifth.

    Sorry to disappoint you.

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