Petira Of Mrs. Georgie Schorr A”H; Bais Yaakov Concert Canceled

candle6.gifYeshivaoworld regrets to inform you that Mrs. Georgie Schorr A”H, Principal of Bais Yaakov of Boro Park was Niftar over Shabbos.

Misaskim confirmed to YWN that the Bais Yaakov of Boro Park concert, scheduled for tonight at Shulamis High-School has, been cancelled.

The Levaya info will be posted as soon as is becomes available to us.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

16 Responses

  1. nebach lived a block away from the reb. special lady. She was making a parlor metting for a zechus refo shloma i recived the invation tonghit. barch dayan emes.

  2. Baruch Dayan Emes. Mrs. Schorr was an extremely talented principal and a very wonderfull person. Her petirah is a tremandous loss for the entire community. Mrs. schorr was also involved in chesed. The Levaya will take place on Sunday 12:00pm at Shomeri Hadas located at 14th Avenue and 39 street.

    The BYOP Concert is canceled for Sunday night as well.

  3. A wonderful person, we taught together many years ago.and we all loved her, condolences to her family, Baruch Dayin Emes

  4. Mrs. Schorr was an extraordinary person, and a truly incredible mechaneches who was beloved by all. What a tremendous loss for her family and for Bais Yaakov.

  5. As I write this, It’s difficult to comprehend that Mrs. Schorr is no longer at the helm of the General Studies department at BYBP. What dignity! What a tremendous willpower! How she cared for each and every student’s education and emotional wellbeing. She will forever be remembered as a top notch and kind pricipal by her staff. A role model for us all!

  6. i dont know her well but i do know her daughter and such a wonderfull girl doesnt just come from nowhere-baruch dayan haemes may we only share in simchas

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