Hillary And Romney Win Nevada Caucus

832238.jpgSen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Nevada caucuses Saturday, powering past Barack Obama in a hard-fought race.

The victory marked a third-straight campaign triumph for Hilary, who gained an upset victory over Obama in the Jan. 8 New Hampshire primary and the largely uncontested Michigan primary last Tuesday.

Early returns showed the former first lady gaining roughly half the vote in a three-way Democratic race, with Obama at about 45 percent and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards placing a distant third.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney won quiet Republican caucuses in Nevada on Saturday while John McCain and Mike Huckabee dueled in a hard-fought South Carolina primary, two races likely to winnow the crowded field of rivals in a wide-open presidential nomination race.

Romney’s western victory marked the former Massachusetts governor’s second straight success, coming quickly after a first-place finish in the Michigan primary revived a faltering campaign.

(Source: Associated Press)

(Photo: KCBS)

3 Responses

  1. We need a Yom Tefilloh to save us from this terrible machsheifa. Her husband’s time in office served to undermine even further any shred of busha left within the American society. If she gets elected to office ch”v it will be the beginning of a period of unprecedented hashchoso.
    Hashem Yerachem!

  2. I have to say, i resent your usage of the word ‘machsheifa’. hilary may not be ideal for us at this time, but to refer to her as a ‘machsheifa’ is just stepping over the line. there are actually some hilary supporters out there, you know. i certainly am not part of that group, but i do try to respect their feelings.

    one more thing- she is not her husband; anything but. he has no loyalties, she has a tremendous one to our country. let’s try to be informed and careful with what we say on public forums such as this.

  3. Actually it turned out after the final count that Obama won Nevada after all, 13 delegates to 12. Let’s see how quickly everyone can reverse their analysis 🙂

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