Mayor Of Czech City Bans Saturday’s Scheduled Neo-Nazi March

ss21.jpgAccording to the EJP, the western Czech city of Pilsen said Thursday it was banning a planned weekend neo-Nazi march – as reported HERE on YW.

The demonstration – expected to draw hundreds of Czech and German extremists – was set to take place Saturday in the historic streets of the Czech Republic’s fourth-biggest city.

But at a press conference, the Mayor said he was revoking his earlier decision to allow the march.

The route of the march would have taken the neo-Nazis near Pilsen’s Great Synagogue – where the local Jewish community plans a memorial gathering on Shabbos.

German police said earlier this week that they will take all possible measures to prevent German extremists from taking part in the Pilsen march.

Neo-Nazis had tried to march in Prague in November 2007, but police prevented that march from going ahead as well – (reported HERE on YW).

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