HATE IN BROOKLYN: Weiss Bakery Receives Threatening Anti-Semitic Letter


NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) was quick to act when Weiss Bakery in Boro Park received a letter with a huge swastika threatening the establishment with racial slurs. Calling to “make America great again,” the letter states, “Juden Raus [Jews out] – Negroes and Faggots Burn in Hell.” After receiving a call from the bakery’s owner, Hikind visited Weiss Bakery with members of his staff to gather more details before filing a complaint with the police.

“In light of what’s going on the world, all threats must be taken very seriously,” said Hikind. “We’re not waiting for an incident before addressing a threat. Fortunately, our community and myself have an excellent relationship with law enforcement—and the NYPD is the best there is at addressing criminal activity.

“Hate crimes are serious matters. This threat against one of our community’s beloved establishments, which used the U.S. mail, is absolutely a hate crime. It’s sad that we live in a time when such disgusting things are said about various races, including the Jews, but we will certainly take these matters seriously when they arise and act swiftly and responsibly, in tandem with the police, to make sure our community members are safe and protected.”

Hikind urges anyone who is threatened to contact their local precinct. He said the NYPD’s 66th precinct is pursuing the threat to Weiss Bakery and the bias unit is involved.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. There was no crime committed here. Sounds like some politicos looking for media coverage again to get their pictures in the news. Making a political statement expressing a repugnant opinion such as advocating certain groups be legally expelled from the United States is not a crime and is constitutionally protected free speech.

    Yidden, let’s not forget that we are in golus. Golus is both America and Israel and anywhere else. In golus we should expect that we are not liked, wanted and that goyim will express repugnant opinions about us.

  2. > “legally expelled”

    Nothing “legal” in threatening anyone to leave – or else. Aside from that, the news today is about the lawsuits that claim that simply not allowing an identifiable group to enter the U.S. is a violation of their constitutional rights. Wonder what that means to the constitutional rights of the Jews who here legally but ordered to leave.

    And exactly because “we are in golus” that loyalty is to be shown to the government, which means not insulting the government and its constitution by giving in, nor ignoring, illegal threats.

  3. Am i the only one who doesn’t have the comments labeled by number?
    Also whoever sent that letter is an idiot. Nazis didn’t believe in Christianity. And also most blacks in the US are Christian so why should they burn in hell? I think this guy is confused.

  4. “Chachom”- obviously you’re not as smart as your name implies …..The article’s writer didn’t discuss the legality of sending someone a swastika. You totally missed the point. It was posted to show a shocking, horrific thing that occurred to this poor man, a frum guy just trying to eke out a living in his bakery. So, instead of feeling bad for this man, or expressing how bad you feel that it happened to him – you turn it into an absolutely absurd rant about golus, and politicians seeking the spotlight. Instead of understanding the sad and horrific feelings, and the shock, that this fellow Jew experienced, you choose to pontificate, and to defend the rights of the vile Nazi that sent the swastika to an innocent fellow Jew. I guess Yom Kippur doesn’t always work to stir people to do teshuva and to spend time reflecting on their actions toward fellow Jews.

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