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Last Chance for Oorah Early Bird Offer!

oorah small.gifAnyone planning to enter Oorah’s annual Chinese Auction has just a few more days to enter in time for the Early Bird raffle. The winner will receive a stunning, sterling silver Pesach keora valued at $8,000.

To enter, orders must be sent in by 5 p.m. on Tu B’Shevat, January 22. With the options for phone, fax and email entries, everyone still has the chance to make the deadline. Online entries can be made at  Online orders are automatically entered into an additional raffle for $500.

The annual Oorah Chinese Auction creates a buzz of excitement from the moment the booklets hit the mailboxes during Chanukah to the moment the winners are announced on the annual Radiothon near Lag B’Omer. A look at the booklet or the website explains what the buzz is all about – dozens of high-quality prizes, ranging from the luxurious to the unusual to the practical, each for only $5 an entry.

And besides the chance to win one of these valuable prizes, there’s the golden opportunity to support Oorah’s renowned kiruv work. The auction website and booklet offer a close look at the many components of Oorah’s kiruv, which all add up to a remarkable level of success at bringing Jewish children and their families into a life of Torah and mitzvos, helping them acclimate, adjust and make long-term commitments.

The secret, as the booklet reveals, is in the people. Readers can meet some of  the many volunteers and kiruv workers who forge bonds with Oorah’s families and provide the ongoing care, concern and support that make the difference. They can also meet the grateful families whose lives Oorah has touched.

As an added bonus, Oorah offers its generous supporters a choice of gifts for any entry of $250 or more. Choices include linens, artwork, silver, china and more.

But the greatest reward is the chance to take part in the spiritual journey of hundreds of Oorah families. By logging onto before January 22, participants can have the chance to win prizes, raffles and bonuses, and support Oorah’s winning kiruv formula and as well.oorah large.gif

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