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Lakewood: Raintree Shul Even Hapina

YW-Rain Tree Ev Hap-25.jpg(Click HERE for photos) Last Sunday, the Raintree/ Glen Pines community celebrated the Hanochas Even Hapina of a new shul in the neighborhood, Bais Hamedrash Zichron Yechezkael in memory of R’ Yechezkael Golombeck Z”L.
R’ Yechezkael was one of the pioneers of the Raintree community, and was a uniting force in the blossoming community. R’ Yechezkael’s life was cut short two years ago at the young age of 28. He is survived by his wife and three daughters who still live in the Raintree community.
The Hanochas Even Hapina was held at the site of the new shul on the corner of Alvarado Avenue and Lanes Mill Road.
Hundreds of lakewood residents, and many friends and relatives of community members from out of Lakewood attended the momentous event.
The event was graced by the presence of the Roshei Hayeshiva and many Rabbnim from Lakewood. Rav Avrohom Golombeck, Mashgiach of Philadelphia Yeshiva, and father of R’ Yechezkael Z”L also graced the event with his presence.  Also in attendance were Deputy Mayor Meir Lichtenstein and Chief of Police Robert Larson.
Divrei Brocha was delivered by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Malkiel Kotler and by Rav Simcha Rosenblatt, Rosh Yeshiva Ma’ayan  Hatorah, which is located on Joe Parker Rd. in the Raintree area. R’ Eli Finkelman, a Raintree resident, and a Rebbi in The Lakewood Cheder, also spoke about the new shul and said Divrei Zikaron about R’ yechezkael Golombeck.
Construction of the new shul is in full force, and hopefully will be finished in the next few months.

Many dedication opportunities are still available. For more information about the shul and/or the community please contact [email protected]

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