Canada Police Investigate Officer Attack, Chase As Terrorism

Edmonton, Alberta – Canadian police say an attack on an officer outside a football game and a high-speed chase of a U-Haul that left four people injured are being investigated as acts of terrorism.

Edmonton Police Chief Rod Knecht said early Sunday officers have one person in custody and they think he acted alone.

The chaos began outside a Canadian Football League game when police say a vehicle rammed a traffic control barricade and sent an officer flying.

Knecht said the driver then got out and attacked the officer with a knife.

A few hours later, a U-Haul van was stopped at an impaired driving check stop and the driver sped off with police in pursuit.

Police say the U-Haul hit and injured four pedestrians before it rolled and the suspect was arrested.


2 Responses

  1. Yes, it is “worthy” of reporting, because living in a U.S. media bubble that is so scared of labelling anything (aside from White Supremacist) as “terrorist” lest one be labelled “Islamophobic” leaves a bad psychological affect. Know there are (at least a few rare) places that are not too scared to call something a terrorist attack even if it is preliminary and even when so “minor” as attacking a police officer and even where the U.S. media would be terrified of being labelled “Islamophobic” (there was a a so-caledd “apparent ISIS flag” in the vehicle).

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