WH Press Sec: Trump Has Done More For Bipartisanship In 8 Days Than Obama In 8 Years [VIDEO]

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday that President Donald Trump in the last eight days has “done more for bipartisanship” than his predecessor, Barack Obama did during his eight years as commander in chief.

“This president is negotiating on behalf of the American people, exactly what he was elected to do. The idea that you keep trying to distort this into a bad thing is exactly why this president was elected,” Sanders said in response to a question about the president’s upcoming meeting with Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi – whom one reporter mentioned Trump had previously referred to as “clown” and “loser,” respectively.

Sanders added that the American people were “sick and tired of business as usual, they wanted somebody who would break up the status quo, that would bring people from both sides of the table together to have conversation. This president has done more for bipartisanship in the last eight days than Obama did in eight years.”

Sanders dismissed a question why Trump had not also invited House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, saying “You’ve got the leader of the Republican Party sitting at the table… anybody who thinks the Republican viewpoint isn’t being represented is completely misunderstanding that the President is the leader of the Republican Party.”

When pressed later about her comparison between Trump and Obama’s efforts towards bipartisanship, Sanders said “I’m basing that on the fact he’s actually willing to sit down with members of the opposite party, something that President Obama rarely did and certainly didn’t listen to members of the opposite party.”

“I can’t think of a single time where he made a deal with anyone from the opposite side, from beyond the Democrat Party. This president is committed to do that. He hasn’t just done it once; he’s continuing to do that.”

(Nat Golden – YWN)

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