Senator Felder And NYC DOT Commissioner Trottenberg Unveil McDonald Ave. Security Lighting Upgrades

State Senator Simcha Felder and New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg unveiled new security lighting along McDonald Avenue
from Ditmas Avenue to Bay Parkway during a joint Thursday morning press conference on the corner of McDonald Ave and Ditmas Avenue. To improve safety and security along this corridor, Senator Felder allocated $500,000 of the project’s total cost of $685,000, with the DOT funding the remainder. A unique feature of the light fixtures is “dual illumination,” or a second light fixture per pole to illuminate both the sidewalk and roadway simultaneously.

Three rapidly expanding communities, Midwood, Boro Park, and Kensington, border McDonald Avenue. In recent decades, McDonald Avenue has become increasingly busy with pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Elevated F-train tracks running overhead cast dark shadows on the sidewalks and roadway from end-to- end, impeding visibility, which endangers pedestrians and motorists. Business owners are frequently concerned about burglaries or vandalism committed by criminals free to act under the cover of darkness.

DOT removed and replaced all existing fabricated steel poles with sustainable Davit poles with brighter, energy-efficient light–emitting diode (LED) lights. In addition, 94 new street poles have been installed, 21 additional poles will be installed at the traffic intersections. The new poles are now spaced approximately 55 feet apart compared to the previous intervals of 120 feet. To increase visibility on sidewalks, DOT has also installed 82 pedestrian lighting poles. Remaining poles and underdeck lighting will be installed upon completion of an ongoing MTA rehabilitation project at the Avenue I and Bay Parkway Manhattan-bound F stations.

“Boro Park, Kensington, and Midwood residents are finally seeing the light on McDonald Avenue thanks to Mayor de Blasio administration’s Department of Traffic Commissioner, Polly Trottenberg,” said Senator Felder. “Going forward, school children can walk in safety, families can cross streets without fear, drivers can see where they are going and who may be coming, and business owners can sleep at night knowing the well-lit streets will keep their property secure.”

“Today we are proud to reveal more and better lighting here, using new bulbs that are both brighter and more energy-efficient,” said DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. “Brighter streets and sidewalks help us meet our Vision Zero goals, and we want to thank Senator Felder for his advocacy, financial support, and helping DOT to rethink the way we operate … Thanks to Senator Felder, we have prioritized lighting here on McDonald Avenue and on other sidewalks like it throughout the five boroughs.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Thank you Mr. Felder for keeping an eye out for our safety, especially on McDonald Avenue, which used to be on the outskirts of several communities. These communities have expanded beyond previous borders in all directions, making once quiet McDonald Avenue very busy almost all the time.

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