Rockland County Executive Ed Day Wins Conservative And Reform Primaries

The heated primary for Rockland County Executive has ended, with incumbent Ed Day declared the winner.

Republican Ed Day needed the backing of the Conservative and Reform parties to win reelection in November. Many in the Jewish community campaigned hard against Ed Day the past week, after he held a press conference when he claimed that 500 new Conservative Party voters registered this summer calling it voter fraud. According to a report in the Hamodia, Day is reported as telling his deputies to try and “limit the growth of the religious Jewish community in Rockland County.”

One of Day’s main campaign pledges was going after developers in Ramapo.

Just yesterday Day posted the following on his Facebook page:

The developers in Ramapo have now been exposed. Lies, disgusting comments, scare tactics just like 4 years ago. Then it was when I was simply a threat with my platform of “Equal treatment for all; Special preference for none.” This attack now is a direct result of my insistence, expectation and actions that has ensured this is firm policy. They are pouring money into this in a full force campaign to go back to the “anything goes” of days past. Clearly we now see the strategy … and the connection. A vote for my opponents is a vote to support the whims of these developers. We have seen the flyers. This crew is vying for ALL the party lines up for grabs today for one purpose and one purpose only … to destroy the economy, environment and neighborhoods…..’

Another post said:

“All hands on deck! Our County is under siege by the “Landgrabbers” … powerful Ramapo developers ably abetted by town government … seeking to destroy the very character of our neighborhoods. And they are looking to take me out too as I am standing between what they want and what we should never give … our homes, our communities, our very way of life! … I ask you support in helping me stop the “Landgrabbers” cold! Thank you!”

Day is a retired New York City police detective commander. He was also chief of detectives in Baltimore.

(Charles Gross – YWN)

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