Message From Agudath Israel Executive Vice President About Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful storms ever recorded, has left terrible destruction in its wake in the Carribeans. It is now bearing down on mainland America, and is expected to hit Florida shortly.

Our hearts and tefilos are with all who are in harm’s away, especially the large numbers of acheinu kol bais Yisroel who reside in the greater Miami area. Gedolei Yisroel who stand at the helm of Agudas Yisroel are encouraging the entire community to add special tefilos on behalf of our brethren in Florida and other areas that may be hit by this storm.

May the One about whom Dovid Hamelech said “v’ruach seara osah devaro – the wind of the storm carries out His word” have rachamim on His children and protect them from all harm.

Gut Shabbos to one and all

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