Top Republican Warns Security Leaks Haven’t Stopped

The chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee told Fox News that security leaks out of the Obama administration have not stopped despite an internal probe, and that President Obama has not done enough to turn off the spigot.

Without providing specifics about the new leaks, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said the damaging release of sensitive information continues.

“We’ve seen more leaks, absolutely,” Rogers told Fox News in an interview Monday. “This is an opportunity for the president to be bold, to take a stand, to step up and say, ‘My administration will cooperate fully and that my staff … should not and will not participate in coordinated or uncoordinated leaking of classified information for any reason. It’s a crime.'”

Rogers, following up on criticisms of the leaks made last week by Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Rogers agreed that human intelligence assets had been comprised.

“We know that sources have self selected out of cooperation around the world,”  Rogers explained. “We know that operations have had to change. We know that operations have had to shut down.”

Based on the work by his committee investigators, the congressman joined other Republicans by claiming that the classified information came from a small group of people who have access to the White House.

“It is very clear that somebody who had access to the White House situation room, had very senior covert action classified material was responsible for some of these leaks,” he said. “That is not a big group of people.”


4 Responses

  1. Obama will do nothing to jeopardize his reelection, something that admitting guilt by him or by anyone in his administration will almost certainly do so don’t expect anything from him on this.

  2. yes and that somebodys name is Barack Hussein Obama

    additionally, they should hire Joe the plumber to stop those leaks

  3. Yes , your Muslim President at work – trying to destroy the country and all that has meaning in world- from WITHIN!

  4. Yes , your Muslim President at work – trying to destroy the country and all that has meaning in world- from WITHIN!

    This man is no question a fraud and a plant from abroad eg Saudi Arebia ,Iran etc – uTeshuva uTefillah uTzedaka Mavirin es roiah hagezeirah..

    Raboisai wake up and see what’s going here!

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