Agudath Israel Calls On Congress To Address Issue Of ‘Childhood Arrivals’

Agudath Israel of America, a national Orthodox Jewish organization, has historically had a deep and abiding interest in United States immigration law and policy. The profound importance of immigration to our nation, and to the Jewish community in particular, make it an area of compelling concern to our constituency.

The problem that DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) sought to address is a formidable one. It affects hundreds of thousands of young people, including many in the Jewish community, who have grown up and been educated in the United States, the only home they have known. Neither “mass deportations” nor living “under the radar” nor “automatic citizenship without appropriate procedures and requirements” offers a viable solution.

We call upon Congress to swiftly and directly address this issue, and to do so with the utmost care and concern. The need is urgent for immigration reform that reflects our nation’s humanitarian values, our need for security, respect for our laws and the nurturing of a healthy society and productive economy. It is, indeed, no small task.

The American people are looking to Congress to act, and we urge all involved — the Trump Administration, House and Senate leadership, Democrats and Republicans, and the many interested communities — to work cooperatively in the weeks and months ahead to find an avenue to effectively address this most pressing issue.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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