Miami Beach: Frum Man R”L Killed By Vehicle

candle.gifYeshivaworld regrets to inform you of the tragic death of Mr. Joseph Choueke Z”L in Miami Beach, Florida – after being hit by a vehicle on Thursday evening. The vehicle struck him as he was coming home from Maariv on Michigan Ave and 44th Street. He was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital where he was R”L pronounced dead. An investigation is ongoing into the accident. The Levaya is taking place today, Erev Shabbos at 2:30PM in the Mount Sinai Memorial Park Cemetery (1125 NW 137th Street).

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(YW-MB113 / YW-NMB18)

2 Responses

  1. Mr Choueke (pronounced Sheweky) was nebach run over by his own car, when he put it into neutral and went to open his garage door after returning from shul.

    What a horrifying story. I know his son – a very ehrlicher ba’al habayis in Miami Beach.

    Hamakom Yinachem Eschem Bisoch Shaar Avelei Tzion Vi’Yerushalyim.

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