UPDATE 8:16PM EST: Lakewood: Fire In Whispering Pines Shul

(UPDATES BELOW) 7:45PM EST: Lakewood FD is on the scene of a fire in the Shul at the Whispering Pines Development. The fire is reported to be in the Ashkenaz Shul. All Sifrei Torah were Boruch Hashem removed in time. YW is awaiting a report on the extent of the damage, although it does not appear to be extensive – thanks to the quick response of FD and PD.

UPDATE 8:16PM EST: The fire started in the wall (electrical) behind a Seforim Shrank. The damage is minimal Boruch Hashem. Most FD units have left the scene at this time.

5 Responses

  1. #3-I agree with you, but just for the record, the Shul in Whispering Pines was built sometime before the Birth of the Whispering Pines developement, and was in use as a nursing home until the developement was built around it!

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