SHOCK VIDEO: Utah Nurse Dragged Into Police Car After Refusing Blood Test On Unconscious Patient


A Utah nurse said she was scared to death when a police officer handcuffed and dragged her screaming from a hospital after she refused to allow blood to be drawn from an unconscious patient.

After Alex Wubbels and her attorneys released dramatic video of the arrest, prosecutors called for a criminal investigation and Salt Lake City police put Detective Jeff Payne on paid leave Friday.

“This cop bullied me. He bullied me to the utmost extreme,” Wubbels said in an interview with The Associated Press. “And nobody stood in his way.”

The Salt Lake City police chief and mayor also apologized and changed department policies in line with the guidance Wubbels was following in the July 26 incident.

Wubbels, a former alpine skier who competed in the 1998 and 2002 Winter Olympics, said she adhered to her training and hospital protocols to protect the rights of a patient who could not speak for himself.

“You can’t just take blood if you don’t have a legitimate concern for something to be tested,” Wubbels said. “It is the most personal property I think that we can have besides our skin and bones and organs.”

Payne didn’t return messages left at publicly listed phone numbers, and the Salt Lake Police Association union did not respond to messages for comment. The department and a civilian board also are conducting reviews.

“I was alarmed by what I saw in the video with our officer,” Police Chief Mike Brown said.

Police body-camera video shows Wubbels, who works in the burn unit, calmly explaining that she could not take blood from a patient who had been injured in a deadly car accident, citing a recent change in law. A 2016 U.S. Supreme Court ruling said a blood sample cannot be taken without patient consent or a warrant.

Wubbels told Payne that a patient had to allow a blood sample to determine intoxication or be under arrest. Otherwise, she said police needed a warrant. Police did not, but Payne insisted.

The dispute ended with Payne saying, “We’re done, you’re under arrest” and pulling her outside while she screamed and said, “I’ve done nothing wrong!”

He had called his supervisor and discussed the time-sensitive blood draw for over an hour with hospital staff, police spokeswoman Christina Judd said.

“It’s not an excuse. It definitely doesn’t forgive what happened,” she said.

Payne wrote in a police report that he grabbed Wubbels and took her outside to avoid causing a “scene” in the emergency room. He said his boss, a lieutenant whose actions also were being reviewed, told him to arrest Wubbels if she kept interfering.

The detective left Wubbels in a hot police car for 20 minutes before realizing that blood had already been drawn as part of treatment, said her lawyer, Karra Porter. Wubbels was not charged.

“This has upended her worldview in a way. She just couldn’t believe this could happen,” Porter said.

Wubbels and her attorneys on Thursday released the video they obtained through a public records request to call for change. She has not sued, but that could change, said attorney Jake Macfarlane.

Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill said that the video was concerning and called the police chief to ask for a criminal investigation.

The department is open to the inquiry that will be run by Salt Lake County’s Unified Police, Judd said. Gill’s office will review the findings.

In response to the incident, Judd said the department updated its blood-draw policy last week to mirror what the hospital uses. She said officers have already received additional training.

The agency has met with hospital administration to ensure it does not happen again and to repair ties.

“There’s a strong bond between fire, police and nurses because they all work together to help save lives, and this caused an unfortunate rift that we are hoping to repair immediately,” Judd said.

The hospital said it’s proud of the way Wubbels handled the situation.

The patient was a victim in a car crash and Payne wanted the blood sample to show he had done nothing wrong, according to the officer’s written report.

The patient, William Gray, is a reserve police officer in Rigby, Idaho, according to the city’s police. They thanked Wubbels for protecting his rights.

Gray is a semi-truck driver and was on the road when a pickup truck fleeing from authorities slammed into him and his truck burst into flames, police reports say.


9 Responses

  1. So disgusting. This is troubling on so many levels. The arrogant officer is incorrect. He has to get a warrant BEFORE he barges into the emergency room and demands from a hospital employee to do something against her will and against doctor-patient confidentiality. Who the hell does this lowlife piece of garbage police officer think he is to arrest a law abiding citizen? Is he the judge, jury, and executioner?
    We are sliding down a very slippery slope towards a total police state & martial law. Our Government of the people by the people for the people, has FAILED us miserably. But yet we are the useful idiots who keep voting and electing these filthy self centered corrupt elitist politicians. As worthless taxpayers we have no rights.

  2. Not getting involved
    In any self respecting police state this video would newer be made public.
    Unfortunately police is under tremendous pressure right now due to BLM and the rest of anarchists out there.
    This story is not a rule, it’s an extreme example of frustration with all the liberal garbage that ACLU and the rest are doing to undermine law and order in the US.
    This officer was sure as HELL that “a patient who had been injured in a car accident”, who probably caused the accident, was high on drugs or alcohol, and this nurse, just like that, is letting him get away with DWI.

  3. y2r, Fired? That’s why we are still dealing with this garbage! Firing someone does not work as a deterrent! He should be sued.

  4. As well as being fired and sued in Civil Court he should be arrested, booked for assault and locked up. The nurse should be commended for her calm demeanor in the face of such a brazen assault in public.

  5. One of the most mind boggling parts of this story is that this cop was put on PAID leave.
    They are paying him to take a vacation while his conduct (or rather, misconduct) is being investigated.
    I hope she sues.
    Anything less would be tantamount to acceptance of his behavior.

  6. IHateCommunism:

    The patient was a reserve police officer who was hit by another car.
    The belligerent cop was tying to help him; not sink him with a DUI.

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