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Bloomberg Calls GOP Lawmaker’s Remarks On Shooting ‘Nonsensical’

Mayor Michael Bloomberg blasted Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) for the lawmaker’s suggestion Friday that an armed moviegoer could have halted the Colorado movie theater shooting that left a dozen dead and 70 wounded.

“You know, to arm everybody and have the Wild West all the time is one of the more nonsensical things you can say,” Bloomberg said in an interview set to air on CBS’s Face the Nation when asked about Gohmert’s argument. “I don’t know what his motives are, I don’t know him and I’m not here to impugn him or anybody else. It just does not make any sense. The bottom line is if we had fewer guns, we would have a lot fewer murders.”

During an interview Friday with the Heritage Foundation’s “Istook Live,” Gohmert suggested that had an armed audience member “could have stopped this guy more quickly.

“It does make me wonder, you know, with all those people in the theater, was there nobody that was carrying? That could have stopped this guy more quickly?” Gohmert said.

“I mean, in Tyler, Texas, we had, in my hometown, we had a shooter come in over a domestic matter and just start shooting people, and it was a guy with a concealed carry.
He got killed, but his shooting at this guy caused him to run and no doubt saved a lot of lives. He was a real hero.”

But Bloomberg rejected that argument in his interview with CBS.

”Do you really think that you’d be safe if anyone in the audience could pull out a gun and start shooting? I don’t think so,” Bloomberg said.


21 Responses

  1. MICHAEL! You can regulate gun control all you want. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE ILLEGAL GUNS!! FACE THE FACTS!!! Last time I checked, they still sell guns to people with 1 traffic violations. This guy had 3 guns, all purchased legally. His entire “rap sheet” is 1 traffic violation.

  2. Bloomberg is the idiot here. Whatever his dear libs try to get involved in, guns in this case, they make it worse. He fails to understand that there is evil in this world and if someone wants to cause mayhem in a theater like the idiot in CO did, they WILL do it no matter what.

  3. An armed movie goer may not have done the trick. Probably what would have solved the problem is to have the theaters stop selling sp much sugary coke thus reducing hyperactivity and this the chances of perpetrating a shooting. Now THAT makes sense.

  4. With gun controll laws, isn’t it obvious that the illegal minded guy will get it anyway? and you’re only limiting the good guy?

  5. Gohmert was one of the loonies that signed the Bachman letter last week accusing several high-ranking Arab American public officials of being disloyal to the U.S. because of some alleged ties (through distant or dead relatives) to the Muslim Brotherhood. John Mcain and Speaker Bohener have strongly condemned his comments. He also has a long track record of making irresponsible statements about alleged conspiracies that make the Bachmans and Palins look like rocket scientists. We don’t want every Moishe and Yankel “packing heat” in the beis medrash out of fear that someone will attack them.

  6. There are 34,500 NYPD officers, all armed, Mr. Bloomberg. Start by disarming them. Immediately, 34,500 guns will be removed from the streets, you little genius.

  7. I don’t agree totally, Mike B., ’cause here in Israel many people have licenses to carry guns and in the past, we have seen average citizens stop Arab terrorists. But then again, perhaps there is a difference between the average Israeli Jew and the average American?

    What u say?

  8. Bloomberg’s an idiot, and un-American. In saying that “to arm everybody and have the Wild West all the time is one of the more nonsensical things you can say”, he is explicitly rejecting the founding principle of the USA. As Patrick Henry put it, “The great object is that every man be armed”. If Bloomberg has a problem with that let him go live in Bermuda or somewhere else where the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply. His claim that “if we had fewer guns, we would have a lot fewer murders” is the exact opposite of the truth.

  9. It’s not the “wild west” if all guns are licensed and registered. Besides, the deterrent factor would usually be more than enough.

  10. Do you know what would have truly saved lives at that Colorado movie theater? Smaller drinks. If the audience had only had smaller drinks, those fatties may have been able to flee faster.

  11. Yes, Mr. Bloomberg, if the good guys have guns, the bad guys will run, and we’ll be safer. The existing laws don’t prevent criminals from getting guns, why do you think new ones will?

  12. Can the mayor explain how wars and people getting killed before there was such a thing as a gun? With Bloomberg warped logic we should sue car manufacturers from making cars since people get behind the wheel and drive drunk.

    It’s people that do stupid things not guns.

  13. in the coming weeks you will hear alot about the evil 2nd amendment when you hear this protectionist talk just keeps a few things in mind and it will all sound foolish to you. Notice how bloomy and his Ilk 1)they never blame the person they blame the object as if his gun grew legs, and a mind and started shooting. 2)They never address the argument with facts they only spit out protectionist code words and talking point such as “wild West” Hi Capacity magazines” “common sense gun laws”
    Lets take for example: “if we arm everyone we will have the wild west” correct me if i’m wrong i thing the theater massacre was worse than any wild west could have been. As you can see ,that if there would have been armed people in the theater someone would have or could have killed the animal before he can go on and shoot more people, But bloomy doesn’t address this he just spits out words like “wild west”.again we see this tragedy twisted by the protectionist as he attempts to mold it into a politically expedient way to register and disarm YOU. No, the answer to these attacks is not more laws, restrictions, and harassment and demonization of the good, law abiding American Gun Owner.They in fact hold the answer.they will be on scene first as they also function as the targets of these rampages. And that answer comes in the form of cold steel and hot lead delivered to the murderer before he can kill more. History will judge such human beings as heroes.Some will say intervention in the confusing theater would have caused more problems. In essence then they are siding with the Protectionist mindset, advocating NON-action on the grounds LESS people will get killed. “Don’t do anything, let the murderer have his way…he will eventually run out of ammo.” This reasoning is flawed as it advocates non-defense but victimization. They are then defending the status quo of a mass murderer. The engagement scenarios are infinite but statistics show intervention with lethal force has stopped such violence. Note that most mass shootings ended with a armed civilian making the shot. Being armed gives you options. Taking the shot gives you life,and maybe those around you too. I am not writing this to change anybodys mind as i know the readers of YWN know stupidity when you see it. I just cant stand by and not say something in the face of psychotic irresponsible talk

  14. Says the Mayor that doesn’t like sugar soda. No, another guy with a gun would probably cause more hysteria and injuries but then again- “It only happens in the movies”
    Mayor Mike we know what your stance is on gun control, and spewing your liberal idealism isn’t going to get you elected in Colorado for anything let alone President.

  15. Gadolbe’einav, there is nothing lunatic about pointing out Huma Abedin’s very close connections to the Moslem Brotherhood. On the contrary, it is lunatic and criminally negligent to dismiss these concerns. Her mother and brother are neither dead nor distant; her father is dead, but hardly distant!

    We don’t want every Moishe and Yankel “packing heat” in the beis medrash out of fear that someone will attack them.

    Really? Who doesn’t want that? Not the founders of the USA, whose “great object” in adopting the second amendment was “that every man be armed”. The right to keep bear arms is a fundamental human right, just like the right to freedom of speech and religion, or to due process of law. If Moishe and Yankel are human beings then they have that right, and it’s illegal to deprive them of it as NYC does.

  16. I am amazed at them amount of NRA garbage jas been generated by one of Mayor Bloomberg’s more valid remarks.

  17. I have often wondered how someone like Bloomberg ever managed to get elected Mayor of anywhere. It seems his goal in life to rule and regulate every facet of everyone else’s life. I don’t know if his security team (does he need one?) is armed or if he drinks soda or eats hamburgers. I think it is time for the rest of the country to ignore his on-going stupidity and hope New Yorkers can find the strength to get rid of him (electorally.

  18. Moose, we already know that you are an enemy of the Bill of Rights and of American liberties. The NRA is a civil rights organisation, just like the ACLU.

  19. NYC has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country yet it also has a high gun crime rate. Around the country cities and states with very restrictive gun control laws are some of the least safe cities in the country. More laws will not make a tiny bit of difference and the mayor knows it. Cynical politician.

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