WATCH THIS: Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Monsey Store Owner That Sells Smartphones


For the second time this summer, Chareidi extremists staged a protest against the the “Ping Cellular Store” in Monsey. Except this time, the group protested outside the home of the store-owner. The protest three weeks ago was held outside the store located on Route 59, at the “Town Square Mall”, right next to the Evergreen Supermarket.

The group is upset that the establishment is selling smartphones.

A few dozen extremists were part of the protest, as a few dozens counter protesters grabbed their signs and yelled back.

Police were on the scene keeping the two groups apart.

(Charles Gross – YWN)

44 Responses

  1. can someone please explain the connection between chilul Shabbos and selling smartphones? Was the owner selling phones on Shabbos?

  2. Not to endorse or support smartphones, but it’s highly doubtful that people became mechalelei Shabbos due to smart phones as the posters suggest.

  3. To “joseph”,
    Yes there are many people there, but it looks like more came to see what was happening by a few extremists, than the very few who actually protest. I guess that there is not much happening on Shabbos there, so every one came to watch.

    If it was Shabbos, so probably a goy took the video. But sadly, it is more exciting to watch the protest than to sit in the beis medresh learning….

  4. What happened to Shabbos Kodesh? What these people are doing is against all of Shabbos’s Kedusha!! There have been OTD people before technology Obviously, today’s generation is not taught Emunah in Hashem and parents, leadership, teachers and Mechanchim are preaching the wrong things and they themselves are not setting a good example for the youth out there. This protest should not have been on Shabbos. Instead of observing Shabbos as it was meant to be, they made a mockery of Shabbos!! Shame on the Chassidim! The Ba’al Shem Tov is not proud of this behavior at all!!

  5. YWN why label them extremists? in Eretz yisrael , opposiiton to non-kosher smartphones is a normal, mainstream view among haredim.I happen to agree. You may choose to disagree with this but why use terms which undermine and belittle?

  6. Let me get this straight they protested on Sabbath which you know will bring out not frum jews and they will be michallel shabbus, they also violated amera lachum since the police had to come out, do we know if any the cops are jewish which would make it worse.

  7. It’s basically Islam in the heart of Monsey. We need to send them to Iran or Gaza (or even Syria)! They make a chilal Hashem wherever they go, and then the media blames all Hasidic jews for behaving like this, when in reality they are just a minority. I know them well, and they terrorize lots of other jews here in Monsey for doing anything that they think is against their way of Yiddishkeit. They think they own Monsey, and can do whatever they want in the name of hashem…. What a shame! I would organize a group of hundreds, to support this poor Verizon owner and show support.

  8. Criminally insane ignorant savages,these are the same animals who protest and burn Israeli flags every year
    These MESHUGENE weirdos have no concept of individual freedom and democracy,they don’t belong in a civilized
    society,they should all be deported to their colleagues and friends in Gaza or Iran,what a CHILLUL HASHEM

  9. Not sure transplanting Yerushalayim tactics to the U.S. is a good idea. And which Torah authority sanctioned doing this on Shabbos, I can already guess….
    Having said that, I think YWN’s compulsive obsessive aversion to public demonstrations by Chareidim, for any reason, anywhere on the planet would be an interesting subject for a therapist’s study. YWN appears to hold that Chareidim should be learning in the Beis Medrash 24/7 12 months a year. It’s OK for Chareidim to lend medical equipment, provide Shabbos and weekday meals and other assistance in hospitals. And gemachim to lend money.
    But, any moves into the reshus harabbim to express displeasure at another person (a Jew?) doing something against the Torah? That is intolerable. It’s a chillul Hashem!! No freedom of expression. No freedom to congregate outside. No permission to open your mouths to another Jew who is publicly violating the Torah.
    It’s an “interesting” hashkafa.

  10. Insurgents have attacked monsey.
    The gentiles from charlotsville will remind them what happens when they act like this in galus.

  11. We must take care to not call our brothers “extremists” because they are not! This word is used by the anti-semites.
    I find very courageous of these men to take action. I understand their worries. I’m living in the middle of a society
    in full decadence and for young Jewish people it can look attractive, but I can ensure you, it’s NOT!
    A certain technology can be very useful today when in business, but we must absolutely produce our own
    “smart phones” without the “Smutz”. It’s certainly not simple, but it’s technically possible. Thanks to this kind
    of demonstrations, the development of such devices can one day be reality.
    Git Woche.

  12. What is wrong with protesting? I thought the United States is a democracy.
    The ones that are extreme are the posters here on YWN that call these people thugs and other names.
    If it’s true that counter protester pulled the signs out the protesters hands then they are extremist and anti democratic.

  13. > Stupidpeople

    Comments are already posted that correctly point out that more direct Hillul Shabbos has been caused by these protesters who are protesting Hillul Shabbos than any imagined Hillul Shabbos caused by smart phones. I have no idea how anyone can call the protesters behaviour a “higher standard”. Sounds more like Reform who practice leniency in the cause of their imagined greater good while trashing the actual greater good their are purporting to champion.

  14. Why does the YW post since non-sense? Especially in Shabbos! What is the purpose of showing more disputes and machlokes within Am Yisroel. YW is acting like a child who gets excited when he/she sees an accident or some “action”.
    Start thinking a little more about what you post. Perhaps there needs to be another committee of those who decide what gets put on.

  15. To stupidpeople What makes them extremists is that what their manhig says is Toras Moshe and no other godols can voice their opinion. When they had the asifa in Barkly center a neighbor of mine (a nice guy otherwise) was calling everyone who disagreed an apikoris. This mindset is with technology too. If you need a smsrtphone then get one: put on a filter and use it properly. Its none of their business.

  16. As a resident of Monsey, I can tell you how these Hoodlums, yes hoodlums (I will NOT call them jews) totally screwed up traffic a few weeks ago on Route 59 on Friday afternoon, inconveniencing thousands of people preparing for Shabbos. These thugs are useless, provide ZERO benefit to society. It’s ok for them to steal from the government, right?
    Also, to the person who said that smartphones are against the Torah, please tell me where in the Torah I can find this. Don’t tell me “Daas Torah”. That saying is a copout created by egotistical rabbonim who want everyone to bow to them and obey their rules. I am an adult and I get to choose whether or not I want a smartphone. And these bums have no right to disrupt someones parnassa and home life. They should be arrested on the spot for disturbing the peace.
    As it is Elul, these useless dregs owe all of us an apology for inconveniencing us. Without that, although I don’t know who they are, I am not going to forgive them.

  17. I would like to add that as this is open and public (and deliberately so for publicity) it seems rather obvious that the non-Jews will see this secular activity on this presumed Jewish holy day and will logically infer that the Jews aren’t really so forbidden to perform secular activities (“work”) on this day.

  18. Agree or Disagree.

    It is not the job of news outlets to name calling anybody. Reporting should be strictly news. Let the audience all decide for themselves how they view the story. Don’t spoon feed them the editors believes. The same is true on YWN as well as most other news outlets. I am glad to see our President put up a fight with this kind of reporting.

    If we have a group of people protesting, the news should be. Group of Chareidi people protesting Cell phone store, etc. period.

    To those commentators who don’t see a problem and reason for protests. Fine. You don’t need to be there and you can even do a counter protest if you so like. Those that do see a BIG problem with smartphones being sold to minors have every right to express their view and outrage. Protesting is both Legal & Democratic both under the rules of the Constitution and under the rules of the Torah

  19. This article reads “A few dozen extremists were part of the protest, as a few dozens counter protesters”

    I wasn’t at the protest but the video and picture posted here on YWN clearly paint a completely different picture. 30-40 protesters and maybe a handful of counter protesters

  20. “BoysWork” You are a Racist!
    How do you know that any of them steal money from the government?
    Can you post a copy of your Tax Returns along with your Credit Card and Bank Account Statements?

  21. “YWN why label them extremists? in Eretz yisrael , opposiiton to non-kosher smartphones is a normal, mainstream view among haredim.”

    So called non-kosher smartphones are sold in Bnei Brak, openly, on Rabbi Akiva Street. No one demonstrates.

  22. @AYidFromNY
    You are so funny! Jews are not a race and by telling other people who commented that they are racist, you make yourself a joke. Go get some education… 🙂

  23. YWN described them perfectly. They are just a few, and they are extremist! No matter what you think about smartphones, it’s not right to terrorize a fellow jew who is working hard to feed his family. He is allowed to sell smartphones, it’s the buyer who has the hardship to put on a filter or not. Just like I am allowed to sell knives or hammers, and it’s the buyers choice if he wants to use it to cut meat and build houses or kill people. I can promise you that if not these “extremist” there would be much less OTD out there! Young kids see this nonsense, and they think that this is Yiddishkeit, and when they grow up they don’t know to make a difference between them and normal yidden. So they drop everything… How many more Bal Tshuvas wouldve been, if not the crazy yidden in Jerusalem and other cities in Israel… If I would’ve been secular, I wouldn’t want to become frum after seeing how these “extremist” act and show the world what Judaism is all about. The idea of imposing a religion on a person and terrify them to death comes from Islam, and is anti democracy. We jews need to be makrev others and love each others, instead of being all day busy about other jews who are sinning different than you… By the end of the day It’s a big chilul Hashem, and those few comments that takes their side, are probably blindfold, or living in a different planet… Btw I am Chasidish, so don’t say I am a racist;)

  24. > aYidFromNY

    > Those that do see a BIG problem with smartphones being sold to minors have every right to express their view and outrage.

    So just what age is a “minor”? In our Jewish laws a minor for most things (with rare exception, such as military service) is under 13 for males. At age 13 the male is a legal adult (for almost everything, including marriage).

    For a non-prepaid phone the secular legal age for entering a binding contract is around 18 (depending on state law) and under the legal age the minor has no legal obligation to pay anything (so it would be really stupid to enter a contract with a minor).

    For a pre-paid phone it is not as clear, but seems around 13 (some web sites claim 10).

    But my question is that in order for anyone to buy anything the purchaser needs cash or credit. So the real question is: from where did this alleged Jewish minor from an alleged observant family that would allegedly be spending all his time learning and praying allegedly get money or credit?

    And even if someone gave this minor some bar-mitzvah money, where are the parents of this alleged religious family to monitor what their child does with the money?

  25. the idea of protesting against the store owners is the same “they” protested against the eruv in BP and WB, they have a problem that their olem won’t follow their ruling not to carry with the eruv, so the eruv needs to come down, same here 70-80% of their olem have smartphones and they have no power to stop it, lets blame the store.

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