Secret Service Tests Gunshot Detection System In Washington

The U.S. Secret Service is warning residents of the nation’s capital that they may hear bursts of live gunfire Saturday and early Sunday morning as the agency tests a detection system.

The Secret Service says the gunfire is part of calibration for a system that indicates the source and direction of gunshots. A statement from the Secret Service says the system “provides real time detection and geolocation of gunshots fired within proximity of protected sites.”

As part of the test, multiple rounds will be fired from various weapons in three-shot increments. Several streets in Washington will also be closed, around the White House and the Naval Observatory, the home of the vice president.


2 Responses

  1. couldbe,

    There have been rumors going around that any secret service member that is bald is also missing his/her right pinky. This purpose of this picture is to debunk that myth.

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