THE NEXT SYMBOL OF HATE: DeBlasio May Take Down Christopher Columbus Statue

The following ia via CBS News:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio may order the removal of the statue of Christopher Columbus in Manhattan’s Columbus Circle.

The statue, which is over 100 years old, is one of the city artifacts currently under review in an effort to remove “symbols of hate.” De Blasio, a Democrat who is running for re-election this November, ordered the review after the violent confrontations between white supremacists and counter-protesters in Virginia earlier this month.

De Blasio said the statue would be subject to the review. “We have to look at everything here,” de Blasio said during Wednesday night’s Democratic mayor debate.

City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, an ally of de Blasio and fellow Democrat, has called for the statue of Columbus to come down.

“I will wait for the commission, as I said Christopher Columbus is a controversial figure to many of us particularly in the Caribbean and I think that that has to be looked at, when you have to look at history we have to look at it thoroughly and clearly,” she said on Monday.

The Italian-born Columbus was one of the first Europeans to reach the Americas, and his expeditions initiated the first lasting trans-Atlantic contacts. Critics note his cruel treatment of native peoples and his active participation in the slave trade.

The statue was given to the City by a group of Italian Americans in 1892. The NYPD Columbia Association, which includes thousands of Italian American police officers, is one of the groups fighting to keep the statue on public grounds.

De Blasio’s presumptive Republican opponent in the mayoral contest also says the statue should stay put. “Even Christopher Columbus, the founder of our nation, is under attack,” state Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis said Wednesday.

She later clarified that she misspoke in calling Columbus the founder of the U.S.

(Source: CBS News)

8 Responses

  1. Willy Wilhelm aka Bill deBallsio is a left wing idiot who panders to the BLM because his ex-Lesbo wife and kid are black.
    Someone should dismantle deBallsio.

  2. While there is much to hate about Columbus (he might have had Jewish ancestry but was personally a fanatic Christian and he himself was clearly anti-Jewish and his voyage was partially financed with money stolen from Jews), many Italians and Hispanics see him very favorably and “Columbus Day” is a holiday in many countries.

    Politically, having already alienated southern white (those who families were around 150 years ago), and now alienating many Italian-Americans and some Hispanic Americans, one understands how Trump was selected (the “deplorables” votes for him). At this rate, it seems even a total clown could defeat the Democrats – the party that attacks everyone’s ancestors for no serious reason.

  3. @akuperma- The problem, at tleast in the case of deBlasio, is that there’s no one to seriously challenge him. As of now he’ll win a second term simply by default.

  4. So I want the FDR drive to be renamed Holocaust Drive since FDR was instrumental in not letting the Jews from the countries in WWII namely the SS ST. Louis

    Its offends me extremely

  5. Over the last 100 years, Republicans have stood up for African Americans while Democrats not only stood on the sidelines, but in fact served as obstructionists to civil liberties.

    Here are at least 12 examples in which Democrats voted against African Americans, and Republicans voted to free them:

    Democrats voted against every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 1866 to 1966 – a whopping 100 years. That is a dismal record for today’s Democrats who would like you to believe that history has been on their side on this issue.

    It hasn’t.

    Democrats voted to keep Africans Americans in slavery, opposing the 13th Amendment which officially freed the slaves. Only four Democrats voted for it.

    Republicans also passed the 14th Amendment which granted slaves U.S. citizenship; Democrats voted against it.

    Republicans also passed the 15th Amendment which gave slaves the right to vote. Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for it.

    Shame on them.

    Furthermore, Republicans passed all of the Civil Rights laws of the 1860s — including the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867 following the Civil War.

    The Republican Party itself was founded as the “anti-slavery party” in 1854. The party subsequently gave us President Abraham Lincoln and ultimately, the Emancipation Proclamation which led to the liberation of slaves.

    Republicans supported African Americans not only in the 1800s, but in modern times as well.

    In the 1960s, with the exception of Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was instrumental in the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act in the wake of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the truth is that Democrats were the largest single blockade to civil rights.

    h/t Washington Examiner

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