TRAGEDY IN LAKEWOOD: 3-Year-Old Child Struck And R’L Killed By Vehicle [UPDATED]


Tragedy hit the Lakewood community on Thursday afternoon, when word spread of a young child struck and R”L killed by a vehicle.

Lakewood Hatzolah was on the scene at around 12:30PM, just moments after the incident occurred on Forest Avenue and 7th Street – in the heart of Lakewood.

The victim, a 3-year-old girl, was found in traumatic arrest. Paramedics did all they could to save her life, but unfortunately, she was R”L pronounced dead.

Lakewood Police are on the scene for an investigation.

UPDATE: TLS Reports the Levaya for Haddasa Krohn A”H, daughter of R’ Avrohom Zelig and Yehudis, will tentatively take place at 6:30 PM at the 7th Street Chapel.

(Charles Gross – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. Tragedy after tragedy… so many losses have been children and young people. This has been a terrible summer, may the next year bring the ultimate nechama.

  2. oy vey!!!! teshuva tefilla tzedaka we have to storm the heavens. So many tragedies have befallen our brothers and sisters. The pain is unbearable to the young parents we must share in their grief. This Rosh hashana we must daven will all our might for the ultimate redemption when he will wipe away the tears of many stricken people suffering physically or emotionally. There’s lots of pain out there the one thing YOU can do is Daven Daven Daven with all your heart and soul.

  3. i find it very moving when people have a sensitivity to the driver instead of lashing out at him. One must be dan lekaf zev his. However such an accident is still a wake up call to drive carefully eyes always roaming the sides just in case a pedestrian is coming. Im not sure if people are aware of this driving skill. I remember when i used to hitch to yeshiva years ago people would not stop for me they would be looking straight ahead. I was in a quandary should i be dan lekaf zechus that he didn’t see me? then the question is “why didn’t you see me”? Bottom line when you’re sitting in a big machine going pretty fast stay focused not only on the road but make it a habit to have “your eyes roaming”. You can’t drive with assumptions. The only type of assumptions you can have is if a ball goes into the street ״there’s a child right behind it”. May Hashem give everyone the strength to continue and the pure Neshama have an aliya amein

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