OUTRAGEOUS! ESPN Removes Broadcaster Robert Lee From Assignment Due To His Name

ESPN broadcaster Robert Lee and Confederate General Robert E. Lee

ESPN broadcaster Robert Lee will not work Virginia’s season opener because of recent violence in Charlottesville sparked by the decision to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

A spokeswoman for ESPN says Lee has been moved to Youngstown State’s game at Pittsburgh on the ACC Network on Sept. 2. The network says the decision was made “as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name.”

Plans to remove a statue of Lee led to a protest in Charlottesville earlier this month that attracted what is believed to be the largest group of white nationalists to come together in a decade. Violent clashes erupted between a large gathering of white nationalists and hundreds of counter protesters.

ESPN says the decision to put Lee on another game was made “collectively.” It also says it’s “a shame that this is even a topic of conversation.”

Read the full statement from ESPN below:

Watch Tucker Carlson rip the decision by ESPN:


6 Responses

  1. Actually, I think anyone with the name Robert, or Lee anywhere in their name, is clearly a racist, a bigot, someone obviously without any racial sensitivity, who believes in slavery misoginy and is clearly an islamaphobe. You can never be too careful; there’s racial insensitivity, (and income inequality) wherever you turn. We must always be vigilant to confront these prejudices.
    B’kitzur, the left is totally unhinged, and everyone in the media, quakes from these quacks! Trump and co. really have to start playing offense. Otherwise the country is doomed no matter who’s pres.

  2. No objective reasoning involved here. Objectively one would say that because the threat of removing an object representing a person named Lee has led to violence and bloodshed, then isn’t it a kal v-chomer that removing an actual person named Lee will lead to even more violence and bloodshed!

  3. 1. Liberals are often anti-Asian (this has been documented by comparing admissions standards for Asians, Blacks and Whites are liberal universities). They are probably angry over anyone being named after a Confederate general, and they are too dumb to realize the “Lee” is a very common name amoung Chinese and Koreans.

    2. Liberals also aren’t very bright. From a conservative perspective this is a good thing (if you have to have enemies, best that they be on the dumb side).

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