Report: Jared Kushner Blocked Embassy Move To Jerusalem While Bannon Pushed For it

Steve Bannon has declared “war” against President Trump, with bits and pieces of his grumblings and plans leaking out in the media.

The following are excerpts from an article in Vanity Fair:

Bannon’s main targets are the West Wing’s coterie of New York Democrat “globalists”-Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and former Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn – as well as the “hawks,” comprised of National Security Adviser H.R McMaster and his deputy, Dina Powell. “He wants to beat their ideas into submission….”

The chaotic, war-torn West Wing of the past six months will be prologue, but the coming struggles will be as personal as they are ideological, waged not with leaks but with slashing Breitbart banners. On Sunday, Breitbart took renewed aim at McMaster, with a headline claiming he advocated “Quran Kissing.” But most of all, there’s a deep animosity between Bannon and Kushner, amplified by a lack of respect. Bannon finds Kushner’s political instincts highly questionable. “He said Jared is a dope,” one Bannon ally recalled. The two clashed fiercely on personnel decisions and policy debates, both domestic and international, many of which Bannon lost. But Bannon, who was the only West Wing advisor to publicly support the president’s response to the violence in Charlottesville, is especially galled at being scapegoated as an anti-Semite in its wake. “It’s one of the attacks he takes most personally because it’s not true,” a Breitbart staffer told me. Bannon’s allies lay out a more complicated backstory. Bannon, they say, lobbied Trump aggressively to move America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but was blocked by Kushner. And, according to three Bannon allies, Bannon pushed a tougher line against the Palestinians than Kushner did. In May, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited the White House, Bannon stayed home. “I’m not going to breathe the same air as that terrorist,” Bannon texted a friend.

According to a Breitbart staffer, Bannon was deeply bothered when he was being used as a “scapegoat” of being anti-Semetic in the wake of Trump’s reaction to Charlottesville, adding “It’s one of the attacks he takes most personally because it’s not true.”

(Charles Gross – YWN)

11 Responses

  1. This is an old story. Kushner is a classic Manhattan Liberal totally disconnected with the facts on the ground. He parties in his Ivory Tower while the world burns around him.

  2. Kushner was right….until they make at least some effort to negotiate a peace settlement, they should hold the embassy move as leverage….if the negotiations fail, then it will happen quickly …to have done just after having started to begin a dialogue would have made it impossible to proceed.

  3. Moving the embassy is an act of aggression which will awaken a half-asleep dog. Leaving the status quo is better for the Yidden. So who’s the anti-semite?

  4. shuali August 21, 2017 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm
    Moving the embassy is an act of aggression which will awaken a half-asleep dog. Leaving the status quo is better for the Yidden. So who’s the anti-semite?
    Are you serious?,moving an embassy to your own capital is an act of aggression?,don’t forget when discussing the moving to Jerusalem we are talking about West Jerusalem not the so called occupied East Jerusalem,
    Shuali,i have a suspicion you are one of those Satmar brainwashed zombies who believe that Jews have no right to any part of Eretz Yisroel.
    You should know that for Jew hating antisemites,the fact that a Jew is breathing is also an act of aggression,therefore according to your insane ramblings we should all stop breathing and commit suicide not to antagonize our enemies

  5. To Chugibugi

    Shuali is right…better for yidden to have to drive 30 minutes to TA if they have embassy business than to risk additional violence against yidden that is almost certain to result from moving the embassy to Yerushalayim prior to making an initial efforts at peace talks. If those talks fail, there is plenty of time to make the move.

  6. Mr Chugubugi,
    So, how may lives would you offer to put on the מזבח in order for the embassy to be moved? yes, you RE right that it’s our capital, ..
    But, say CHAS V’SSHALOM that your own wife & kids will loose their life (G-D forbid) because of the move, will you still support it? I doubt it,,,

  7. Interesting, some people had been so elated with Jared and Ivanka, that they would be a great Jewish voice in the white house. Not working out that way it seems.

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