TEHILLIM – Cleveland Family Involved In Serious Crash; Children Listed In Critical Condition

A Frum family returning home to Cleveland from the East Coast was involved in a very serious accident in Pennsylvania, late Thursday night, leaving children in critical condition and in need of Tehillim.

According to PA State Police, the accident occurred around 2:29AM on I-80 near mile-marker 66.6

A tractor-trailer was disabled from a previous crash and was facing south. The truck was turned over on its passenger’s side, and the trailer was blocking both westbound lanes of I-80.

The family travelling were travelling in a minivan in the right lane when it came around a bend and was directly upon the tractor-trailer in the westbound lanes. The van hit the trailer, penetrating halfway into the unit causing multiple air bags to deploy, as well as severe damage to the front of the vehicle.

The van came to a final rest, still lodged inside the trailer.

All occupants of the van were transported to medical facilities, including Children’s Hospital.

Two children were airlifted from the scene by STAT MedEvac, and a third was later flown by STAT MedEvac from Clarion Hospital.

Everyone is asked to please daven for the children who are in very critical condition.

*Leah Hadassah bas Michal Chana (11-years-old)
*Chava bas Michal Chana (7-years-old)
*Yocheved Rivka bas Michal Chana (5-years-old)
*Gedalya Dovid Ben Michal Chana

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. first and formost refuah shelama
    based on what you write that I80 westbound was compleatly blocked from a preveous accident
    were was the state police and the county sheriff’s department plus the clarion police department and volunteer fire department putting out flairs and warnings a mile or two back or making everybody get off at exit 70 which is four miles earlier.
    i have driven I80 westbound many times over and evan stopped over there for the night many a time

  2. He has to sue the state of Pennsylvania (after everyone recovers) for gross negligence in covering the first accident. He’ll win millions of dollars in 5 minutes

  3. Please understand the truck accident had just happened. How could father avoid hitting the roof of an overturned trailer that was splayed across The highway.
    The relevant part is that both chava and Leah haddasa need tremendous rachmei shomayim. Chava has a severe head injury Leah Hadassah has several internal/abdominal injuries. Daven. Daven.

  4. We appreciate the news so we can daven for Klal Yisrael . But so many times there are never updates on the condition of these people. PLEASE UPDATE!!!!

  5. three of the children have been discharged but still with injuries -broken bones, lacerations etc.
    The father’s name is: Avraham Yisachar b’ Chana Rochel
    the mother’s name is: Michal Chana b’ Sara Yente
    Please continue your tefillos for the whole family.

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