Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Who Oversaw Ivanka Geirus, Slams Trump’s Charlottesville Response

The following is via CNN:

Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, the Rabbi who oversaw Ivanka Trump’s conversion to Judaism criticized her father’s response to Charlottesville in a letter to his congregation.

In the letter, which was obtained by CNN, Rabbi Emeritus Haskel Lookstein, along with Rabbis Chaim Steinmetz and Elie Weinstock, slammed President Donald Trump’s response, saying they are “deeply troubled” by his comments.

“While we always avoid politics, we are deeply troubled by the moral equivalency and equivocation President Trump has offered in his response to this act of violence,” they wrote in the letter to members of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, a Modern Orthodox synagogue on New York’s Upper East Side.

They also wrote they condemned the “monstrous act of murder” that killed Heather Heyer.

“We are appalled by this resurgence of bigotry and antisemitism, and the renewed vigor of the neo-Nazis, KKK and alt-right,” they wrote.

New York Magazine first reported the letter.

Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, have not publicly addressed the President’s comments on Charlottesville, in which he has blamed “both sides” for inciting violence.

But Ivanka Trump did condemn the hate groups present in Charlottesville over the weekend, tweeting: “There should be no place in society for racism, white supremacy and neo-nazis.”

She continued: “2:2 We must all come together as Americans — and be one country UNITED. #Charlottesville”


On Thursday, YWN published that the RCA (Rabbinical Council of America) slammed Trump in a statement which read in part:

“There is no moral comparison,” said Rabbi Elazar Muskin, president of the RCA. “Failure to unequivocally reject hatred and bias is a failing of moral leadership and fans the flames of intolerance and chauvinism. While as a rabbinic organization we prefer to address issues and not personalities, this situation rises above partisan politics and therefore we are taking the unusual approach to directly comment on the words of the President.”


9 Responses

  1. Who cares?? Jews better care because we are at the top of these sewer thugs list r”l to eliminate. We must stand up vehemently against them and those who give them aid and comfort, which includes the degenerate draft dodger in the White House.

  2. Reply to Josehp’s glib comment: I do, and you should. I am not waiting for the American neo-Nazis to come to Boro Park, or for anti-African-American racists to come to the north side of Eastern Parkway, and you should not, either. Rabbi Lookstein is important because of his connection to the US president, and the rabbi should offer moral guidance when the president seems to have none.

  3. With all due respect to these rabbis, Trump is 100% right o this one The neo Nazis are a bunch of gangsters and the alt left black lives matter are a bunch of thugs the common denominator is they both hate jews and to tell you the truth I’m more afraid from the alt left since they stand for anarchy. These leftist, liberal rabbis have to bend over backward to be politically correct.

  4. huju, did you also care when Obama invited to the WH balk racist terrorist organization Black Lives Matter? What was your reaction to Obama having Jew-hating, hate spewing pastor Jeremiah Wright as his mentor?

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