Australia Announces Mandatory Internet Filters To Protect Children

if.jpgAustralia’s Telecommunications Minister Stephen Conroy says new measures are being put in place to provide greater protection to children from online “filth” and violent websites.

Conroy says it will be mandatory for all Internet service providers to provide clean feeds, or ISP filtering, to houses and schools that are free of inappropriate material.

Online civil libertarians have warned the freedom of the Internet is at stake, but Conroy says that is nonsense. He says the scheme will better protect children from pornography and violent websites.

Senator Conroy says anyone wanting uncensored access to the Internet will have to opt out of the service.

(Source: ABC Australia)

11 Responses

  1. It’s about time that some government is acknowledging the danger of the internet. Shouldn’t every internet provider EVERYWHERE provide filters automatically? If someone wants “Shmutz” he/she should have to ask for it specifically. In the “olden days” if someone wanted to look at something inappropriate, they needed to stoop quite low and go out to but it. Today, the click of a mouse provides instant access. Perhaps this filter would give the yetzer hara a chance to cool down a bit before accessing this inappropriate material.

  2. Hoe about everyone writing, calling, or faxing to Minister Stephen Conroy thanking him for doing what is right. “Yesh Konei Olomoi B’Shaa Achas”

    Email: [email protected]

    Canberra office:
    Parliament House
    Canberra ACT 2600
    Tel: (02) 6277 3295
    Fax: (02) 6277 3317

    Melbourne office:
    4 Treasury Place
    Melbourne VIC 3002
    Tel: (03) 9650 1188
    Fax: (03) 9650 3251

    Electorate Office:
    Suite 1B, 494 High Street
    Epping Vic 3076
    PO Box 1067
    Epping MDC Vic 3076
    Phone: (03) 9408 0190
    Fax: (03) 9408 0194

  3. who cares if there are filters in australia? if you (a jew) has inet in the home, it shouldnt be accessible to children, and if you are worried that yout he adult may be enticed by something, than eith get a filter set up or dont have it or at least put iot somewhere very public. if you are an adult then act like one.

  4. I think everyone has a computer.
    Even, you, Yeshivish Hocker seem to have one.
    And don’t claim it’s really a microwave

  5. Sassoon12- it is very easy to get past all these filters that you personally put on your computer. especially if they just have a password if the kids are smart enough, unfortunately there are ways to get past the filters. in addition as chazal say “ein apitrapus liarayos”, you should never trust yourself till the day you die, so having a computer in public isn’t foolproof. if there is a law for the internet provider to limit the access, then it is impossible to get past the filters to access anything inappropriate. that is why is so good, because it stops the garbage way before it gets to the house. anyway the fact that there are filters in Australia effects us all as Jews because now there will be less tumah in the world and hopefully other countries will follow suit.

  6. #8 – while its true that any teenager can probably get past the ISP filtering, it 4sure helps accidentally getting onto a undesirable site

  7. #10, While you were being RodefKesef, Congress actually passed such legislation (although not the full extent, but something nevertheless.) But the ACLU sued and unfortunately prevented its implementation.

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