The RCA Slams Trump Following Charlottesville Remarks

The Rabbinical Council of America, the leading organization of orthodox rabbis in North America, condemns any suggestion of moral equivalency between the White Supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville and those who stood up to their repugnant messages and actions. “There is no moral comparison,” said Rabbi Elazar Muskin, president of the RCA. “Failure to unequivocally reject hatred and bias is a failing of moral leadership and fans the flames of intolerance and chauvinism. While as a rabbinic organization we prefer to address issues and not personalities, this situation rises above partisan politics and therefore we are taking the unusual approach to directly comment on the words of the President.”

Rabbi Mark Dratch, Executive Vice President, said, “The RCA joins with politicians of all parties, citizens of all political persuasions, and people of all faiths calling on President Trump to understand the critical consequences of his words. We call on all the leaders of our country to denounce all groups who incite hate, bigotry and racism, while taking action and using language that will heal the terrible national wounds of Charlottesville.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Bums. They forgot we are in galus? Apparently Jewdyism is now an influential religion, i.e. corporate scam. No perspective. What happened to keeping a low profile and serving the local government? Kofrim.

  2. Are we not in Golus???? To directly rebuke the President of this country, the most powerful man on earth?! And all in the name of Orthodox Jewry?!

  3. Here we go again with the liberal RCA, Trump was 100% right Antifa and BLM are worse than neo nazi’s, the nazi’s preach hate but when was the last time you saw them burning citys down like antifa and blm. while im at it let me point out that all of these groups are democrats neo nazis the kkk, blm, antifa non of them are republican groups all of them founded and supported by democrats

  4. He didn’t equate in any way listen again. He said. There were some good people on both sides. That some people simply came to protest the removal of the statue. That there was blame for the “Violence” on both sides. Clearly, if a group of people are protesting, no matter how repugnant they are, they have a constitutional right to do so. To have another group come and start physical violence puts the other group at fault. Are we ready to eliminate the first amendment and shut down people with whom we don’t agree? That is a very dangerous road to travel.

  5. The RCA is making a huge mistake here, beyond the “forgetting we’re in galus” part.

    We are so twitchy about white supremacism that we totally ignore racism when it shows up anywhere else.

    So Obama can hang out with the likes of Al Sharpton, make openly racial comments about Trayvon Martin and support Black Lives Matter in a totally one-sided manner and everyone’s cool with that.

    But when Trump states that while violence is horrible in any context and the car-driver in Charlottesville was a murderer who will be prosecuted, but also points out that a violent counter-mob that destroys American monuments might also share some of the blame, the whole world goes ballistic and the RCA jumps on the bandwagon.

    And oh, just btw, isn’t destroying historical monuments something of a totalitarian, fascist thing to do? When ISIS and the Taliban blow up ancient statues and places of worship, the world – including the American left – is appalled at the attempt to destroy and erase history, culture, what have you. But destroying statues that pay tribute to American history and culture is somehow just dandy, move right along, nothing to see here folks.

    We are going down a very, very slippery slope.

  6. The degenerate draft dodger, besides equivicating nazis and those standing against them, lied again. He stated that the Friday night march of these sewer rats was calm and peaceful and was all about protesting the removal of the statue of Robert E Lee. They threatened that night clergy people who were having a prayer service, they screamed anti-Semitic and racist rants-which has what to do with Robert E Lee? What “good person” would stand and march with evil haters like these? He said he didn’t know David duke was there, yet he chastised the media saying “I watched it closer than you did”. A liar. At the very least, he is aiding and lending comfort to these dangerous thugs, they say so!

  7. Liberal, Left wing, PC Rabbis……………..We have a few (too many) of these types within our communities. Yes, we are communities not one large community. And each community has its Chief Rabbis. All these Chiefs and no Indians causes many problems.

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