WATCH THIS: Trump Holds Heated Press Conference In Trump Tower; Slams Fake News, Says ‘Both Sides’ To Blame For Charlottesville


President Donald Trump returned insistently Tuesday to his assessment that “there is blame on both sides” after being roundly criticized for such comments following the deadly violence last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Trump’s remarks on his home turf at Trump Tower in New York City followed a more deliberate statement he made Monday in Washington. Reading from prepared remarks inside the White House, he said then that “racism is evil” and branded members of the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists who take part in violence as “criminals and thugs.”

That statement followed sharp and unrelenting criticism, including from many top Republican lawmakers, of his more general Saturday remarks bemoaning violence on “many sides.”

Yet during an impromptu press conference Tuesday, Trump seemed to undo what he said a day earlier.

He praised his own controversial Saturday statement, even pulling it from his suit pocket to read it again.

And he followed that recitation by angrily laying blame on liberal groups in addition to white supremacists for the Charlottesville violence. Some of those protesting the rally to save a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee were “also very violent,” he said.

“There are two sides to a story,” he said. He added that some facts about the violence in Charlottesville still aren’t known.


4 Responses

  1. The degenerate draft dodger says he “didn’t have all the information” when he made his first late lame statement. He didn’t have all the information!? What more information do you need to know what nazis and the kkk is!? No one, not even him, is that stupid. These evil right wing people initiated their protest/pogrom, other true American people reacted and came, this is always the strategy of these lowlifes, to provoke trouble and get attention. This president has shown his true colors, he wants and needs these people’s support. He has trashed the presidency and all this country stands for, disgraceful.

  2. The President is 100% Correct. The nazi mamzeirim and white supremacists (WS) are garbage but they were there peacefully protesting joined by hundreds of normal people who were there to protest the removal of American History. The Alt-Left protesters, many of who were summoned by and funded by Anti-Jewish, Anti-American George Sorosh, did not have a permit to be there. Many of them arrived in body armor and physically attacked the “pro-statue” group. This Alt-Left group consisted of BLM (Black Lives Matter), Communists and other anarchists. These groups and the nazi-WS groups all belong in the garbage. I hate nazi’s (all my parent’s families were destroyed by them) and WS but after reviewing the videos from different sources, I can attest to the fact that the Alt-Left was responsible for the violence that day in NC. That one lunatic with the speeding car was responsible for the woman’s murder and all the injuries that occurred by his stupidity. A powder keg that exploded. It’s too bad that the police didn’t do much. They seemed to be overwhelmed.

  3. “there is blame on both sides” did president really said that? or was it Fake News twist of:
    “egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides”
    “Both sides are hoping for a confrontation,”
    “There are two sides to a story,”
    There were already 5 retractions of “blame on both sides” fake news twist!
    When is YWN going to correct the article?

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