ARRESTED AT JFK AIRPORT: Man Arrested For Murdering Orthodox Jewish Man Over Parking Space

Police arrested the man they say is behind the deadly stabbing of an Orthodox Jewish man in Brooklyn, all over a parking space.

Djem Jean-Paul, 41, was caught at JFK Airport trying to escape to Haiti, according to the NYPD.

He has been charged with manslaughter, assault 2nd, and criminal possession of a weapon 4th.

As YWN reported earlier, Omari Dahan Z”L, 23, was stabbed in the chest at 11:30PM Sunday night, and was R”L pronounced dead at Beth Israel Hospital. The (unnamed) brother, 29, was stabbed in the arm and was in stable condition.

Police say Djem Jean-Paul had blocked their driveway, and after the brothers had honked their car horn for some time, Jean-Paul walked out of his ex-wife’s home, and attacked the brothers.

Volunteers from the Misaskim organization have been on the scene for hours, and have volunteers placed at the hospital as well – working closely with the NYPD as well as the NYC Medical Examiner to ensure proper Kavod Hames.

In a sad twist to this story, YWN previously reported in 2009 that the father and brother of today’s stabbing victim were both killed in a terrible accident at a waste transfer station in Queens.

Shlomo Dahan Z”L, 49, had died in a desperate attempt to rescue his 23-year-old son Harel Z”L from the deadly fumes of an 18-foot-deep cesspool at a Queens sewage plant where they were working.

A third man, Rene Francisco Rivas, was killed when he went after the elder Dahan.

The Levaya was held on Monday afternoon at 3:00PM. He is being flown to Eretz Yisroel for the Kevura.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

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