GRIDLOCK ALERT: Some Streets To Be Closed During President Trump’s Stay In NYC

The following is via WABC:

As President Donald Trump comes home to Trump Tower for a few days, the first time since his inauguration, New York City police are planning a slight security clampdown in the area around the skyscraper for the duration of his visit.

After Trump was elected president Nov. 8, security around Trump Tower ramped up dramatically, even including a fleet of heavy sanitation department trucks filled with sand to wall off the front of the building from any potential vehicle bomb attack. A maze of barricades and checkpoints were manned by scores of uniformed police officers under the supervision of a mobile command center.

Since taking office, the president has surprisingly returned to the city only once, on May 4, for a visit with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum. He was in town for only a few hours.

Trump Tower poses a unique security challenge because portions of it are required, by law, to be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. as a result of a zoning deal Trump cut with the city when he built the skyscraper.

The tower continues to be the scene of frequent protest marches and demonstrations, though most in recent months have been smaller than the many huge demonstrations that followed the inauguration.

Police officials estimate the cost of securing the president while he’s in town is roughly $300,000 per day, but that could easily change depending on whom he’s with, how many people are in his entourage, where he’s headed and how long he’s planning to stay.

“The NYPD is the most expert police force on earth in terms of handling visits by an American president,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said earlier this week. “They do an outstanding job. I think that we’re going to be ready by any measure.”

Trump’s time in New York has “been a lot less than we expected,” the Democratic mayor said. “To his credit, he kept the time here very limited and the disruption very limited. Hopefully, that will be the same this time.”

The NYPD says traffic delays should be anticipated during various times in the area of East 57th Street and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

The NYPD will establish vehicle security checkpoints for random safety inspections on Fifth and Madison Avenues in the vicinity of Trump Tower. Some traffic delays can be expected in these areas.

Although Fifth Avenue will remain open to southbound traffic, certain restrictions will be in effect at times.


The following streets will be closed to vehicular traffic beginning at approximately midnight Sunday, August 13th and remain closed for the duration of the event:
58th Street from 6th Avenue to Madison Ave.
55th Street from 5th Avenue to Madison Ave.

The following street will have managed access to vehicular traffic beginning at approximately midnight Sunday, August 13th and will remain managed access for the duration of the event:
56th Street from 6th Avenue to 5th Ave.

Trucks southbound on Fifth Avenue will be subject to searches at about 60th Street, and may be diverted from traveling further south.

Traffic on 57th Street will not be restricted.

Vehicular traffic will continue to be restricted from traveling east on 56th Street, between Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue. Pedestrian access will continue, subject to bag checks and screening.

The NYPD encourages the public to use mass transit during this event. Drivers should avoid the Midtown area, or expect significant delays and heavy congestion.

NYC MTA planned bus service advisories are available and may be viewed online at:

(Source: WABC)

One Response

  1. it’s interesting that the MSM (WABC) anti Trumpers are calling this event a “gridlock alert”. i think this is the first time our President has been in NY since his inauguration. our previous “president” came to NY much more often (even for just a bdwy play or because his wife wanted to go shopping!) and never did i see WABC issue a “gridlock alert!” this is just another method of the anti-Trumpers to make our President look bad. i have news for you—even WITHOUT the President coming to NY, it’s “gridlock” in manhattan with bumper to bumper traffic. so, let’s not make this visit into a bigger issue than it really is.

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