White House: Trump ‘Not Discussing’ Firing Mueller

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway says President Donald Trump is “not discussing” firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” Conway says the White House has made clear it will cooperate with Mueller’s investigation into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The Associated Press reported last week that Mueller was now using a grand jury in Washington as part of that probe.

Conway says Trump believes the Russia investigation is a “complete false and fabricated lie.” But she says the president “has not even discussed” nor is “discussing” firing Mueller.

Senators introduced bipartisan bills last week creating judicial review procedures that could shield Mueller from firing by Trump.


2 Responses

  1. Hey there Mr. President, “We the people” want him fired. He is disgracing our president and the office that we hold dear! He is dishonest and did not go into this open-minded. It was a premeditated plan and a whole lot of our tax dollars going to waste over a preconcluded decision. He just has to create facts to match his outcome!
    Take a poll – you’ll see!
    Fire him!

  2. the AP (the source of this story) is no different than the rest of fake mainstream media. they quote kelly ann conway out of context and spin her words to convey what the AP wants to be a negative spin on Trump. Ms Conway stated that the President has “not even discussed” firing Muller. The AP wants their readers to believe that Trump is “thinking about it”, but doesn’t want to ‘discuss’ it. words matter and the AP is a master in twisting words. help!

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