WATCH – JARED SPEAKS: All My Actions ‘Were Proper’ And ‘I Did Not Collude With Russia’


Senior White House adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, standing before cameras at the White House called his service there the “honor and privilege of a lifetime” and said he comes to work every day with “enthusiasm” for what can be.

He reiterated part of a statement released earlier Monday, telling reporters that he “did not collude with Russia, nor do I know of anyone else in camp who did so.”

He said he was “eager” to share any information he had with the investigating bodies and “I have done so today.” And he said he has “not relied on Russian funds for my businesses.”

“Donald Trump had a better message and ran a smarter campaign, and that is why he won,” he said, adding that suggesting otherwise ridicules those who voted for him.

3 Responses

  1. Jared’s statements are mostly conclusory, rather than recitations of what he said and what others said. His conclusions about what he did can be expected to be favorable to him, but that does not answer the questions that all his meetings with Russians raise.

  2. Why are we still talking about Russia???
    If anyone out there feels they voted for Trump as a result of some sort of Russian intervention, please let us know!
    We can start a petition for all those who voted for Trump and feel they were cheated by the Russians and would thereby like to switch their votes to Hillary. If on the other hand you voted for Hillary, you have no say in this petition, as obviously the Russians did not affect your vote…

  3. huju

    I can’t think of a single question more that it raises than (as example) Obama’s meetings with Russians? Or more questions than Jared’s meeting with dignitaries from at least 20 other countries? In fact, Jared has very good reason to meet with Russians above what Obama may have had – Jared’s ancestry is from Russia territory (Obama’s is not).

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