Trump Comments About Sessions Show Penchant For Humiliation

The art of humiliation appears to be a key operating principle for President Donald Trump.

Trump blasted Attorney General Jeff Sessions in an interview Wednesday with The New York Times. Trump sharply criticized the former U.S. senator over his decision to recuse himself from the FBI investigation into possible ties between Trump’s presidential campaign and the Russian government.

Sessions has a lot of company in the administration to compare notes with. Everyone from former FBI director James Comey to White House chief of staff Reince Priebus to chief strategist Steve Bannon has been publicly shamed by the boss.


7 Responses

  1. I can understand that sometimes your only useful source for news is AP, and you have to quote them, but this is strictly opinion with no news at all. Do we need this?

  2. i know that if i were employed by a boss that has come out publicly that he doesn’t like me and that he would have never hired me if he had another chance, i would immediately quit or resign. that’s a no-brainer! why do do you think sessions is not bothered by this and insists on holding on to his job? very strange indeed.

  3. The American people elected a reality show star, whom they expected would be an entertaining president. They didn’t want someone preachy and condescending (that’s what they elected previously). It happens American like “reality TV” (full of vulgarity, melodrama, bullying, etc.). In a democracy, that’s what happens.

    Sessions realizes he’s cast in a reality TV show, even if it happens to be the government. Sessions is a mature politician with good legal credential, and is definitely miscast in the “Trump show.”

    BTW, this is yet another argument against television that even non-hareidim might listen to.

  4. Fake news!
    This is has been the Donald from way back and all knew that before working for him. During the campaign his detractors have tried to deescalate his momentum by describing how working for him is like going through revolving doors. Hey, just look at how he trounced Christie: and I’m not standing up for Christie, just pointing out the point!
    Let’s just hope he’s good for Israel and America and the rest is irrelevant.
    This is NOT news! It’s the Donald of old.

  5. Wow. I don’t recall EVER seeing anything similar to this drivel while Obama was president. Or regarding Hillary. Although they surely had their own issues with people within their inner circles at times. I can’t quite figure out why… Oh right, it’s from Alt-left Political (AP) again. It would be nice to see the perspective from the other end of the spectrum on YWN once in a while to balance things out…

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