The Family Of A Girl Pulled From A Pomona Swimming Pool Is Building A Mikva As A Z’chus

The family of a young girl pulled from a swimming pool in Pomona on Tuesday is raising money to build a new community Mikva as a Z’chus l’refua shelaima.

7-year-old Miriam Zidele fell into a pool, and was pulled out in cardiac arrest R”L. Despite Tefillos from thousands of Yidden around the world, she remains on a respirator and in critical condition. A family member tells YWN, “the situation is not good.”

As a z’chus, Miriam’s parents, Shaya and Shani Zidele from Pomona, have spearheaded efforts to build a new women’s Mikva in the Pomona community. The growing kehilla currently has 150 families, which presents an obvious need for this most important endeavor. They have started a campaign on The Chesed Fund to raise funds.

Now during this Eis Tzara, the family is trying to raise money for this Mikva so that the zechusim for the waters of this future mikva can stand as a merit for little Miriam.

You can view the campaign and donate HERE.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. She should have a Refuah Sheleima Bekarov. She should grow up to be a source of Nachas to Klal Yisroel.

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