Ezras Nashim? Dubai Launches New Female-Exclusive Ambulance Service

A new ambulance service has been launched in Dubai, aimed at aiding women and children under the age of 12.

The ambulance is colored pink, similar to Dubai’s “Ladies and Families Taxis,” a pink fleet of cabs driven by women and serving women and their children.

Four women dressed in pink, two medics and two drivers, are leading the pilot project that aims to expedite medical care by helping female patients feel more at ease.

Currently the service is only available 12 hours daily, operating 11am-11pm seven days a week.

“In our society, Arab Muslim society, when patients call for help, they want privacy and they want to feel comfortable,” said Bashayer al-Rimm, an emergency medical technician (EMT).

“A male first responder can and of course does respond to all patients. But the logic behind this was, ‘How can we make women feel more comfortable?’, to speed up giving them medical care.”

Staff specialise in obstetrics and gynaecology and pediatrics, and they refer to each other – and their patients – as “sisters”.

Read More: Daily Mail

One Response

  1. Please don’t laugh at Ezra’s nushim Hatzola they have haskomos of our gedolim I can send nice clips if you want

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