WATCH: Child Nearly Struck By A Car While Crossing In Monticello


Dramatic dashcam footage shows the heart-stopping moment a young child was nearly struck by a car while crossing in front of the Satmar camp in Monticello on Sunday.

The 3-year-old boy darted across busy Anawana Lake Road as a car was driving by, and just narrowly avoided serious harm.

Parents of campers informed YWN that the camp has strict rules about safety, ordering all children to cross only at the nearby pedestrian bridge, as can be seen in the second half of the attached video.

Children are warned that crossing the road, even accompanied by an adult, will result in being sent home from camp.

(Nat Golden – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. I was up in the country Sunday for visiting day. As a driver its scary to drive on some of the roads. I don’t know what the walkers and hitchhikers are thinking. The speed limit on these roads are 40- 50 mph and the roads are winding. Most roads have a small shoulder. People walking on the roads should bentsh gomal each week or at least make a sudas Hodah at the end of the summer

  2. The driver of this car was so shaken by his experience. Even worse was the attitude of the parents crossing after the child. They were totally nonchalant, and the father had the audacity to turn on the driver in an accusatory manner.
    Had this driver not been going slower than the speed limit, the outcome could have been c”v horrific!

  3. “Children are warned that crossing the road, even accompanied by an adult, will result in being sent home from camp.”

    It is pretty clear from the video that the child is not a camper. Perhaps his parents are staff members, or guests. If staff members, the rules should apply to them as well, if you dont use the bridge, you get fired and sent home. If guests, hopefully most have the seichel these parents clearly do not possess.

  4. This video makes me very angry. That was the fault of the parents. I have seen this scene in real life soo many times before. Did you notice how even once the family joins their runaway preschooler on his side of the street, they do not discipline him? There was no speech about running ahead of them, out into highways, there was no reprimand!! The way I grew up was that my responsible, and safety minded, responsible, adult minded, loving caring protecting mother would not let go of our hands while trying to cross a street, even until I was 12 years old! I remember feeling very embarrassed!!!!
    Why wouldn’t these parents feel an achries to educate, protect, and be proactive in preventing a tradgedy? Thats the real question.

  5. Worst yet when the mother has a baby in the carriage and the 2 year old hanging onto the carriage while she is conducting a very important deal as she cross main roads. I have a way to deal with this I lay on the horn until I pass them to interrupt this monumental conversion

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