GOP Rep. Pushes $900M For NY/NJ Railroad Infrastructure

A senior House lawmaker is using his chairmanship of the powerful Appropriations Committee to try to funnel up to $900 million into New Jersey and New York to build new bridge and tunnel capacity for travel between the states.

The move by Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (FREE’-ling-hy-zehn) to boost the Gateway project in New York and New Jersey would largely be paid for by eliminating a popular $500 million infrastructure grant program championed by former President Barack Obama. That program funded transportation projects nationwide.

New Jersey’s Frelinghuysen also would earmark $400 million in mass transit grants toward a new tunnel under the Hudson River to service Amtrak and a New Jersey commuter rail line.

The move by the 12-term Republican is reminiscent of pork barrel politics of the recent past.


One Response

  1. Didn’t the House adopt rules several years ago prohibiting earmarks?? This guy sounds like he is either senile or simply a ganof. Steal money from the other 48 states to pay for something that his poor excuse for a governor refused to fund through normal channels.

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