Entire Chumash Placed Into Chip Smaller Than Sugar Grain

chumash.jpgAccording to a report by the Associated Press, Israeli scientists have placed the entire Chumash onto a space less than half the size of grain of sugar. The nanotechnology experts at the Technion institute in Haifa say the text measures less than 0.5 square millimeter (0.01 square inch) surface. They chose the Chumash to highlight how vast quantities of information can be stored in minimum amounts of space.

21 Responses

  1. it’s a grain of sugar

    the chidush is not that it’s “stored” on a surface that small.

    it is WRITTEN on that surface.

    in other words with a powerful light microscope you can READ it.
    it’s not a microchip

  2. Technological breakthroughs can cut both ways. That Torah and wisdom is becoming more and more accessible is wonderful. Yet its accessibility only makes demands on each of us. The old excuse of “the Chumash is too heavy to schlep around” just won’t work anymore because after all, it’s on a grain of sugar.

  3. Now you can take the whole torah any where you go… as long as you have a one tone electron microscope with you to read it. The would have been better off printing sefer Raziel Hamalach.

  4. After doing a bit of research i found the following article…

    “Apparently, a team of nanotechnology experts at the Technion institute in Haifa were able to etch some 300,000 words (Hebrew text of the Jewish Torah) onto a minuscule silicon surface “less than half the size of a grain of sugar.” The feat was accomplished by “blasting tiny particles called gallium ions at an object that then rebounded, causing an etching affect,” and was reportedly done in order to show that copious quantities of data could eventually be stored on bio-molecules and DNA. Oh, and it only took about sixty minutes to finish the job.”

    Hope this clarifies it a bit…

  5. #6 ”DID THEY STORE ALL THE MITZVOS OR JUST THE ONES THEY KEEP” Why do you automatically assume that because they are israeli scientists they dont keep 613 mitzvos.even more than that wouldnt the fact that they chose to write the chumash and not any other large book give you a hint what kind of people these are.Why must you use this as an oppurtunity to spout your unfunny jokes on people just because theyre not like you

  6. RE NO. 19 –

    Where’s your sense of humour? He didn’t mean specifficaly that they aren’t as frum as him rather he was just saying a witty line…don’t take life so seriously…

  7. #19 I was just trying to be funny. If they kept no mitzvos, nothing fits well on anything, no matter how small. It was a joke. … well, an attempt at humor.

    SPACE TRAVEL I think it is a great thing. I can see uses for space travel. Interstellar ships could carry humongous libraries with little or no weight.

    ESPIONAGE imagine the files a spy could carry with him and not get caught.

    CHASUNAS storing a Chosson Shas, Tur, and Shulchan Aruch on these, may reduce the cost of the dreaded chasuna gift expenses… and heck, we could add the 73 vol Artscroll Shas too.

    By the way, did they develop something to read it with? If not… how do we know….

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