Trump Criticizes Kim Jong Un After Latest Missile Launch

President Donald Trump criticized North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Monday after that country’s latest missile launch, asking, “Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?”

Trump wrote on Twitter that it’s “Hard to believe that South Korea … and Japan will put up with this much longer.”

And he urged North Korea’s biggest ally, China, to “put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!”

South Korean officials said early Tuesday that North Korea had launched another ballistic missile toward Japan, part of a string of recent test-firings as the North works to build a nuclear-tipped missile that could reach the United States.

The Defense Department said U.S. Pacific Command detected and tracked the launch of a land-based, intermediate range ballistic missile from North Korea’s Panghyon Airfield. The missile was tracked for 37 minutes and landed in the Sea of Japan.

Shortly before Trump’s tweets, the White House said he had been briefed on the South Korean report.

The missile launch comes as the Trump administration has displayed increasing frustration with China’s reluctance to put more pressure on North Korea. Last week, the U.S. blacklisted a small Chinese bank over its business ties with North Korea.

The White House said Trump brought up the North Korean missile program during a phone call Sunday with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Chinese state media reported that Xi warned Trump that “some negative factors” are hurting U.S.-China relations.

The New York Times, citing anonymous administration officials, reported Monday that Trump told Xi the U.S. was ready to act on its own against North Korea.

A senior U.S. official told foreign policy experts last week that the U.S. has made clear to China that Chinese banks and companies conducting business with Pyongyang will face sanctions if there is no movement on North Korea’s nuclear activities, a participant in the meeting told The Associated Press. The individual wasn’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter and asked that his name and that of the senior official be withheld.


7 Responses

  1. Wow, he urged china to put a heavy move on n. Korea, not bad, who said he hasn’t accomplished anything yet? look folks, he moved the US embassy in Israel, brought back jobs (that can’t be filled anyway since technology overtook), backed out of the climate accord in Paris, which the USA will anyway do ITS part, built the Mexican wall, abolished Obamacare which he can’t shift, gave the Russians intelligence gathered from Israel & UK, & the list is endless, just a big talker & tweeter, & media basher, can someone point me as to what (something concrete, from beginning to end) he has accomplished?

  2. And I would respond to Chymee that he has made the USA look a lot stronger in the eyes of the world.
    President Trump will no kneel in submission to Iran.Remember during President Obama’s tenure when the American sailors were beaten up by Iran,and Obama did nothing?Right now Iran knows President Trump is the real deal,and not someone that they can fool around with.
    Obama wanted to be nice to everybody,but that turned the USA into a doormat.Well,President Trump wanted to make America great again,and I feel that he has in his unique style.
    Whereas,all the domestic promises are things that Trump cannot deliver unless the Republican party wakes up and starts moving.They had eight years to plan to replace the Obamacare,but it seems as if they were sleeping o the job.Trump cannot build a wall without money from Congress.
    I am sure that you are aware that a President cannot do much if he has no money given to implement the plan.

  3. At least Obama tried it in his own (call it) twisted mind, whether wrong or not? history will judge, but you still haven’t proven what Trump has “accomplished”,
    You suggest that he made the USA look stronger in the eyes of the world, are you for real? in whose eyes? name me 1 country, UK? France? China? Iran? N. Korea? Canada? Russia? (who are all having a good laugh along with Putin, you can argue Israel, But not any more, everyone now realises that it was only big talk, & he only made it LOOK STRONG, & that’s it, no action,,,,
    Name me a single President that had such low rating in his 1st 100 days, don’t give that we should give him a chance, this answer had already expired….

  4. “can someone point me as to what (something concrete, from beginning to end) he has accomplished?”
    1. He appointed and got confirmed Neil Gorsich to US supreme court. You don’t understand how huge this is!
    2. He appointed Nikki Halley as embacitor to UN. So far on she watch UN is shaping up big time in regard to Israel!
    3. He stopped constant production of new regulations and is cutting old ones saving US businesses $20 billion per month in compliance costs!
    4. He keeps getting Republicans elected in special elections all over the country.
    5. Extreme wedding of Muslim refugees / Travel ban is in place to make us safer!
    6. He bombed Syria for crossing chemical weapons use red line!
    7. He got Saudi’s to by $200 billion worth of US weapons.
    8. He fired James Comey!!!!

  5. I would single out Iran.President Trump has called Iran to order,and Iran knows it And for me that is enough,for during Obama’s tenure, Iran became the most powerful nation in the Middle East,so powerful that you have Saudi Arabia running to Israel to see what to do.
    President Obama played an extremely dangerous game of bowing in submission to everyone including Iran,and all the normal quieter Middle East countries were looking aghast,scared,and astonished that an American President would make Iran so powerful.
    It is my view that Obama wanted to be the Anti-Bush,and show the Arabs and the world how much the USA just loved them.But when you treat yourself like a doormat,people will step on you,like Iran did with great glee and joy.
    But Baruch Hashem,Obama and his submission ideas are gone forever,and believe me,Iran knows it,Saudi Arabia knows it,and the whole Middle East knows it.What President Trump have done in Syria is better than what Obama did.I liked how Trump told the French,we will decide on the climate bill on our terms.
    Ratings?!Forget about it Chymee.You know too well that the collective media barring very few exceptions have an exceptional hatred for Trump ever since he was the nominee. People pick up the negativity,and hence the deep dislike for Trump.
    And frankly,even if Trump delivered every promise,and built a wall too,the media would still find another reason to hate him.
    Yes,you will argue that Trump with some of his nonsensical tweets have himself to blame.Fine.but that gives no excuse for the media to destroy Trump’s character so badly the way they have never ever done to any other candidate running for President,and that actuallybecame President.

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